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influence vs affection


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how can you tell if your followers like you anymore? i know how to gain influence but how do you tell if they like or dislike you over all? i want to romance Mako but not sure if she likes me. i flirted and she told me to keep dreaming big guy. i give her gifts and my influence is over 17 with her what gives?
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Mako's scripted to behave that way. She won't admit to being attracted to the BH until pretty far into her personal storyline simply because she believes it's bad policy to mix business and relationships. It takes a long time (like, Chapter 3) for her to finally open up to the idea, so be patient with her and just keep flirting. She'll come around.


Also, BW changed the way vanilla Companions dole out their personal missions when KotFE came out. They're now scripted to be available only after you reach a certain point in your class missions, so having high influence won't necessarily make them talk to you right away.

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