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Coruscant lower levels cause game to crash


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I don't know if I'm the only one or not but, every time I try to go to the area in Coruscant with the crew skills it crashes, and because of this problem my level 65 Jedi Shadow on Jedi Covenat is stuck, so that when I try to log on to him the game crashes, then I have to wait to use the characters on the server because it says he is still logged on :mad:
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I don't know if I'm the only one or not but, every time I try to go to the area in Coruscant with the crew skills it crashes, and because of this problem my level 65 Jedi Shadow on Jedi Covenat is stuck, so that when I try to log on to him the game crashes, then I have to wait to use the characters on the server because it says he is still logged on :mad:

When you get back on with another character, submit an in-game ticket for customer service, and they will be able to move your character. I'm not sure *where* they put characters when they move them like this, but almost anywhere would be better than somewhere that crashes the game when you log in.

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