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Bounty Hunter Chapter 3 bug


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Hello Bioware, i played with Bounty Hunter and i already finished the chapter 3 but the achievement is stil remaning like incomplete and also cant obtain the progress to legendary status so what should i do? Please fix this its more then anoying, im not paying sub for broken game, thanks
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They are fixing it for long time, if they are not able to fix this little problem in few months then its really sad, and what is most sad of that? That peoples are still complaining on this but nobody from bio cares specialy when we peoples are paying heavy money for the game but nobody from bio cares about that Edited by RJFaith
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If it's an easy fix, it would have been fixed already. It must be harder to fix than they originally intended. Or, perhaps they have to be careful in fixing it so as not to break something else in the code. (I've personally done that with simple website code, so I can't imagine how hard it must be coding for a large-scale MMORPG like this one.) There are many possibilities, and complaining about it doesn't help. Edited by Jaqurec_Landelle
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