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The True Emperor Vs. The False Emperor, Who would win?


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Let's go back, before the whole 'Knights of The Fallen Empire' ****. I've always wanted to see more of the Sith Emperor in his pre KOTFE state. Especially when I started playing 'The False Emperor' flashpoint I felt sort of an Imperial pride and loyalty, that I was fighting for the True Emperor. This is when the thought came over me that a duel between the 2 Emperors would be an amazing thing to witness.The fight begins on Malgus' Turf. Let's say that the Emperor was still alive when Malgus made his bid for power. Malgus would likely try to wipe Vitiate out before he could cause any more threat to his new Empire. Malgus would likely try to seize Dromund Kaas and make his way to kill the Emperor. The battle would be hard, but let's just say Malgus makes his way to the Emperors chambers while his other men are fighting for ground on the planet and attempts to Kill him in a duel to Obliterate the Morale of his troops as well as rid the threat of his power. Who will win? Who Will Die? The Duel Between Fanboys Begins Now.
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Let's go back, before the whole 'Knights of The Fallen Empire' ****. I've always wanted to see more of the Sith Emperor in his pre KOTFE state. Especially when I started playing 'The False Emperor' flashpoint I felt sort of an Imperial pride and loyalty, that I was fighting for the True Emperor. This is when the thought came over me that a duel between the 2 Emperors would be an amazing thing to witness.The fight begins on Malgus' Turf. Let's say that the Emperor was still alive when Malgus made his bid for power. Malgus would likely try to wipe Vitiate out before he could cause any more threat to his new Empire. Malgus would likely try to seize Dromund Kaas and make his way to kill the Emperor. The battle would be hard, but let's just say Malgus makes his way to the Emperors chambers while his other men are fighting for ground on the planet and attempts to Kill him in a duel to Obliterate the Morale of his troops as well as rid the threat of his power. Who will win? Who Will Die? The Duel Between Fanboys Begins Now.


Malgus vs the Emperor's Voice? Darth Malgus. Vitiate at full power? (AKA Valkorion?) Valkorion.

Edited by Rhyltran
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My opinion:

As much as I would like to see Darth Malgus on the throne and my characters to serve his magnificence, Vakorion-Vitiate would win if it would come to a duel. The scene would be similar to Darth Marr's. Malgus was powerful, but Valkorion is beyond "powerful Sith and Jedi". If there is any truth in what he says and what I believe has happened, he is close to what we consider a God. However, he needs 'something' to stay strong, so if Malgus' followers could locate that 'Power Source', weaken it, then Malgus could try to challenge Vitiate-Valkorion. For some reason I imagine killing Valkorion-Vitiate would have to involve a lot of 'scary dark magic and duel beyond physical body', so Malgus would have to learn those rituals or whatever would that be.:p

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The Sith Emperor for the win, Malgus would lose hands down even if Malgus destroys a power source, what is to stop saying there was more than one, and with power to do things like with Ziost, I don't think he needs a power source and all this time he was the Sith Emperor, he was also at Zacul building his fleet and army and having kids. The Sith Emperor has been around for hundreds of years, wasn't he the one whom converted Reven and his fellow jedi master Malak to be Sith Lords, it took him hundreds of years to gain that power, he would be more powerful than all the Dark Council and everyone on Korriban combined.
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my opinion:

As much as i would like to see darth malgus on the throne and my characters to serve his magnificence, vakorion-vitiate would win if it would come to a duel. The scene would be similar to darth marr's. Malgus was powerful, but valkorion is beyond "powerful sith and jedi". If there is any truth in what he says and what i believe has happened, he is close to what we consider a god. However, he needs 'something' to stay strong, so if malgus' followers could locate that 'power source', weaken it, then malgus could try to challenge vitiate-valkorion. For some reason i imagine killing valkorion-vitiate would have to involve a lot of 'scary dark magic and duel beyond physical body', so malgus would have to learn those rituals or whatever would that be.:p


i concur.

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Even if Malgus could win against a 1 V 1 he would still need to find a way to either destroy the force entity that is Valtrollion,seal it away like they did with Abeloth,or banish to the chaos like they did with the spirit of Darth Sidious.
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In a straight-up 1v1, Malgus would lose unfortunately. I feel he would've put up a better fight than Marr though. One blast from Vitiate wouldn't be enough, Vitiate might have to let off 2-3 blasts before Malgus went down. If it was Malgus vs The Emperor's voice it would be (likely) no contest in favor of Malgus. However then Vitiate would simply return and punish him for his rebellion, likely with an agonizing death. No-one really knows what power sources, if any, Vitiate has (although I have my suspicions, looking at you "The Gravestone"), so its uncertain whether Malgus could indeed beat Vitiate in the flesh with a little prep work.
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