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About Romance with Lana Beniko


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Can any tell me about where i can see that i in romance with Lana Beniko ? I dont remember how to start romance with her :)


Easy. anytime you get a flirt option in KOTFE DO IT. Once you get to chapter IX, you're going to want to speak to someone, do the flirt option with Lana, then it will ask that you want to begin a romance with Lana, hit yes, wham bam done.

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Can any tell me about where i can see that i in romance with Lana Beniko ? I dont remember how to start romance with her :)


As Talon said the Cantina gives you a manual lock-in for the romance, before that it's just a matter of choosing the flirt options.


The only way I can remember atm to tell if you are on the romance path before that is after the swamp fight. If you are on the romance path when you say 'You were looking for me all this time,' she replies with something along the lines of 'Are you really surprised?'. If you aren't she says something like 'You are my ally, maybe even my friend' and then you have the flirt option to get onto the path ('We could be more', or something close). I want to say there is a third option if you shot her down in SoR, but for the life of me I can't remember it.

Edited by Mykra
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