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Sentinel Strategy in Huttball


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to all the people saying that leap doesn't work like the tooltip says...


its called resolve. at full charge it makes a player immune to cc and snares for a short time. any player can get a full charge if he lives through enough cc.


force leap, master strike, basically anything that impairs a player's control of his character, has no effect while their resolve is beefed up.


not usually an issue, since most players die long before they fill that bar. the times someone does fill that bar, its usually because they are playing on a coordinated team with heals and support keeping them alive... and you're just getting outplayed anyways, so no matter what buffs they give the class... you will still lose.



A lot of people I see in WZ cry about CC's not working don't seem to understand how immunities work.


Btw, I also find ProfessorWalsh's name ironic given the threads he has posted.

Edited by KonduitX
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OP needs to post what lvl his sentinel is . . . I'm betting not that high or not pvp specced.


You would be correct. I was 14 when I wrote the original post... 18 now. Notice that I wasn't complaining or calling the class bad, I legitimately wanted to know what other people were doing because I hate waiting until end-game to do PvP and I want to be as useful as possible in the meantime.


Thanks for the tips all who posted!

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A lot of people I see in WZ cry about CC's not working don't seem to understand how immunities work.


Btw, I also find ProfessorWalsh's name ironic given the threads he has posted.


I find the fact that you are trying to take such a shot extremely cute. I've been around long enough that it takes far more than something like that, a veiled shot, to really accomplish anything.


The main issue I have seen is still true. The Sentinel lacks when compared to other classes that have similar burst and survivability as well as far superior crowd control and utility.

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I noticed that Leap sometimes seems to randomly not root as well. It was bugging me for awhile until one time I used it and saw 'Miss.' So it seems the root component doesn't work if you miss. Getting accuracy may help. I only saw this once but it actually made sense to me. Other than that and the fact that I often have to wait out the full Master Strike animation while the ability doesn't actually go off and I'm just rooted in place, I'm perfectly happy with the class.
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I noticed that Leap sometimes seems to randomly not root as well. It was bugging me for awhile until one time I used it and saw 'Miss.' So it seems the root component doesn't work if you miss. Getting accuracy may help. I only saw this once but it actually made sense to me. Other than that and the fact that I often have to wait out the full Master Strike animation while the ability doesn't actually go off and I'm just rooted in place, I'm perfectly happy with the class.


That *is* a possibility.


All I know is that I have absolutely seen people run right after I hit them and I *know* that I have been Force Leaped on and not been rooted.

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What is your strategy in huttball?


Couple things in general:


Choose whether to go head-on or from the side. Don't half-*** one way or the other.


Head-on: Blow your instant 30 zen ability at the start and use your run speed buff (Marauder: Predation). Hop through the acid pit and get the ball. If the enemy also has high run speed, force leap to them and click the ball in mid air. Then, hit Rebuke because you 100% will be attacked in the next GCD. Look for a person who was intelligent and is on high ground to pass to, or roll the dice on the air pad yourself. If you didn't blow leap, look for an enemy to jump to.


Note: Prepare to pass backwards because at this point you will be drastically overextended. However, if the enemy sucks dick and/or has poor coverage on the high ground, you could easily get a free goal here. I had 1 game where there was a single enemy on the high ground and I had a teammate Assassin already up there. I leapt up to the enemy and he knocked them off. We scored 15 seconds later dashing across fire pits.


Other notes: Be prepared to use your AOE mez (Marauder: Intimidating Roar) on the enemy team right after you get the ball. You have a pretty good chance to get zerged. Also, always remember you have your 99% damage reduction if you need another few seconds to make a good pass, or just stealth to reset the ball.


Last note: The 99% damage reduction (Marauder: Undying Rage) can be used to cheese fire traps. Don't forget.




From the side: Run diagonally from the opening gate, hopping down into the pit and running up the ramp. This puts you on the ramp access to the side. This also puts you out of LOS of the entire enemy team most of the time. Sometimes you get an opponent who has the same idea as you, and Marauders have the general advantage in 1v1. In any case, run up the side ramp and onto the catwalks. Typically there will only be a few enemies at most up topside, and the enemy team's attention will be forward towards your team. Make sure you edge around their LOS as much as possible. Also, when you engage, try your best to keep your back to the same high terrain, so a knockback will knock you across only, and not down. Unless you have force leap ready. Which, of course, you do, since you ran up to the enemy to blindside. No need to open with leap when you opened with Zealous Strike directly, right?



Other general tips:


- Don't always dive for the guy carrying the ball. Check to see if they're backed by a healer. If they are, hump that player. The other 5 people on your team can focus the ball carrier. Make sure you drop a heal debuff on them though, then spend your time interrupting / force choking / force leap interrupting / AOE mez interrupting the healer (ideally killing them). This has several benefits. Not only do you reduce the heals on the ball carrier, but you also provide coverage for a chance to intercept a pass, and you force the enemy team to split their coverage -- some of their team will have to stop supporting the ball carrier in order to deal with you *******king their healer.


The Mara/Sent class has a somewhat thin array of hard CCs. So, use the utility that you have -- team run speed boost, interrupt spam, and a few clutch CCs like the AOE mez or simple force stasis at the opportune moment. Speaking of which, remove force stasis from anything resembling a standard rotation or habit. It's not something to use at random moments. Use it when the enemy has out-positioned you, when your leap is down, and when you need a 3rd interrupt to seal a kill. Don't be stingy, but don't use it "just because CC is cool guys".

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Nope. Immobilize doesn't work on players in PVP unless you spec it. You need to L2P if you think that the Sentinel is even viable compared to a Guardian or a Shadow.


It's responses like this that make me feel sorry for those people who come on these forums to try and learn and have to sift through all the Internet posers spouting garbage like it's fact.....

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Couple things in general:


Choose whether to go head-on or from the side. Don't half-*** one way or the other.


Head-on: Blow your instant 30 zen ability at the start and use your run speed buff (Marauder: Predation). Hop through the acid pit and get the ball. If the enemy also has high run speed, force leap to them and click the ball in mid air. Then, hit Rebuke because you 100% will be attacked in the next GCD. Look for a person who was intelligent and is on high ground to pass to, or roll the dice on the air pad yourself. If you didn't blow leap, look for an enemy to jump to.


Note: Prepare to pass backwards because at this point you will be drastically overextended. However, if the enemy sucks dick and/or has poor coverage on the high ground, you could easily get a free goal here. I had 1 game where there was a single enemy on the high ground and I had a teammate Assassin already up there. I leapt up to the enemy and he knocked them off. We scored 15 seconds later dashing across fire pits.


Other notes: Be prepared to use your AOE mez (Marauder: Intimidating Roar) on the enemy team right after you get the ball. You have a pretty good chance to get zerged. Also, always remember you have your 99% damage reduction if you need another few seconds to make a good pass, or just stealth to reset the ball.


Last note: The 99% damage reduction (Marauder: Undying Rage) can be used to cheese fire traps. Don't forget.




From the side: Run diagonally from the opening gate, hopping down into the pit and running up the ramp. This puts you on the ramp access to the side. This also puts you out of LOS of the entire enemy team most of the time. Sometimes you get an opponent who has the same idea as you, and Marauders have the general advantage in 1v1. In any case, run up the side ramp and onto the catwalks. Typically there will only be a few enemies at most up topside, and the enemy team's attention will be forward towards your team. Make sure you edge around their LOS as much as possible. Also, when you engage, try your best to keep your back to the same high terrain, so a knockback will knock you across only, and not down. Unless you have force leap ready. Which, of course, you do, since you ran up to the enemy to blindside. No need to open with leap when you opened with Zealous Strike directly, right?



Other general tips:


- Don't always dive for the guy carrying the ball. Check to see if they're backed by a healer. If they are, hump that player. The other 5 people on your team can focus the ball carrier. Make sure you drop a heal debuff on them though, then spend your time interrupting / force choking / force leap interrupting / AOE mez interrupting the healer (ideally killing them). This has several benefits. Not only do you reduce the heals on the ball carrier, but you also provide coverage for a chance to intercept a pass, and you force the enemy team to split their coverage -- some of their team will have to stop supporting the ball carrier in order to deal with you *******king their healer.


The Mara/Sent class has a somewhat thin array of hard CCs. So, use the utility that you have -- team run speed boost, interrupt spam, and a few clutch CCs like the AOE mez or simple force stasis at the opportune moment. Speaking of which, remove force stasis from anything resembling a standard rotation or habit. It's not something to use at random moments. Use it when the enemy has out-positioned you, when your leap is down, and when you need a 3rd interrupt to seal a kill. Don't be stingy, but don't use it "just because CC is cool guys".


This is a great constructive post! Thanks

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