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Cannot summon companions


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[tl;dr -- having trouble summoning companions on lower level toons despite trying all the known reset methods.]


This has now happened to me twice on lower level (below L20) toons this weekend. I could not summon a companion, and the companion bar in the lower left was gone. It's enabled, I checked on the Interface Editor.


I tried switching out in the Companion window (control N) and it wasn't working. It wouldn't even let me send the companion out to sell junk (indicating it recognized I at least had the companion active at some point).


I logged out and back in, still messed up. I went to my stronghold and summoned the ship droid, and it worked and was fixed. So I thought nothing more about it. And in fact, I can't even remember which toon or server because I've been playing a lot of alts this weekend. It was not on a starter planet, and the toon had Nico, a companion and the ship droid.


Now, though, I have a toon on a starter planet (L8 SW on Korriban) and I have activated Nico because I adore him and it makes slogging through a little faster. But I cannot summon him. I have tried everything, logging out, quitting out, using the Companion window -- when I try to click the sell junk button, nothing happens. Been to the stronghold and the fleet. I was able to summon him previously. I can't switch to another companion and back, as I don't have Vette yet.


I can summon on other toons that I have tried, including a L1 Trooper on Ord Mantell and a L7 Bounty Hunter on Hutta.

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