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Removed from Group Finder queue


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Just had the weirdest thing happen: (times listed below are known because I have time stamps on in Preferences)

1) I joined the GF queue, queuing for Hard Modes only, at 11:09:11 AM.

2) At 11:40:44 I get a pop.

3) I'm looking at the composition of the group and am about to click on "Accept" when...

4) At 11:40:49 (5 seconds later!) the GF window disappears and in chat I see "Your group finder invite has expired. You have been removed from the queue."


Screenshot: http://oi63.tinypic.com/jqj1qb.jpg


After 30 minutes in the queue as a DPS, this little feature was not appreciated.

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I have seen this bug before.


It says you are in queue and then you get the message that you have been removed.


When I get that bug a few times over I always instantly zone when the groupfinder pops and then click accept, it has worked before.

Edited by Icestar
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