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Game Crashing My Internet


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So I have tried just about everything, from fiddling with the firewall, to checking the proxy. I've been up and down command prompt and I've even set a static IP. Every time I start my game up, about an hour or 20 minutes into my game, depending on its "mood" the crashes begin. My computer loses connection to the internet.

Every other computer's connection is peachy, it's just mine that's having issues, and only when I'm running SWTOR. I understand that many people have been experiencing this problem, so I'm mainly posting this thread to state that THIS IS A PROBLEM. If I want to pay for a game I don't want something this buggy to bite me ever 15 seconds (yes sometimes I'll log in, and it'll just hard crash. This will go on repeatedly until I just lose patience and stop attempting to log into the server.)

If there is something I haven't tried, please send it my way! I am interested to try anything at this point.

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Maybe check temperatures at the point the net etc starts crashing


Make a thread at Answers HQ


If the internet connection itself is dropping , whilst the game maybe triggering something it wont be the reason


Crashing is a separate issue, ran a repair initially per the sticky

Edited by OwenBrooks
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