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GTN Purchase Bug


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After filing tickets in game, customer support were unable to help me (seemingly through lack of understanding), I thought I'd have a last stab at getting some help here.


I am in the position of suffering from what I'd consider to be a rather unusual bug. Unfortunate, and probably exceedingly rare. The sort that falls in the family of leaping to a target, and falling through the floor (which is only mentioned here as it has happened more recently than the GTN bug, as an indication that things do indeed go wrong).


The bug is as follows: I sorted by unit price for an item on the GTN, for unit price. The confirm window popped up, saying could you confirm this purchase, at that price. A vastly larger amount was debited from my credits, and the most expensive unit price item was given. Upon casting my eye over the GTN page, it remained the same, with the lowest price items remaining, having not been sold. The sequence of mouse/keystrokes are in one of the bug reports (yes, I do have a pretty good memory).


After this, I asked for a refund for the cost through customer support. Three times. Unfortunately customer support have refused to help. The final reply had a summary as followed - "Again there is not much we can do about this as you had to confirm the purchase before it took your credits, once you have confirmed the purchase, the item is sent to you." Between this and the " We cannot take credits from another player without their permission." I will admit to being more than a little bemused.


I must have failed to notice where I asked for the credits in recompense from the other player - this bug was not of their making. This was not an exploit they took advantage of. All it was, was an unfortunate bug. One of numerous strange things that seem to happen infrequently. However, if you should happen to play over a span of years, you will see them happen. Disappearing strongholds. Floating weapons with no players attached. All perfectly normal in the game.


I have in my time made plenty of mistakes, and am quite happy to acknowledge them. This was NOT my mistake. I'd wonder, if on buying a new car, the customer support representatives signed a contract at one price, but were immediately charged a multiple of it, and were told that "You have confirmed the purchase" as a reason for this error not to be corrected, they would be happy about it. Were I placed in that situation, II think it would take very little time for me to draft my claim and send it to court.


So for one final time, could I please have a refund. If you are unable to make up the difference by granting some credits, I would be perfectly amenable to receiving the multiplier overcharged by worth of consumables. They are commonly available in the game, coming in near infinite supply from a vendor.


This really is rather ridiculous that I need come to the forum to ask for restitution in such a simple case. I remember the halcyon days of customer service under the original Bioware team. I can only assert that they would have dealt with it markedly differently. I can only reiterate how very disappointing it is that this could not be dealt with in a timely, sensible manner. It has detracted greatly from my enjoyment of the game.

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I'll be honest, it was a new one on me. I've asked guildies to see if anyone has heard of something similar. It isn't unheard of, but generally doesn't happen. Unfortunately, all the things that "don't happen" like not falling through the floor do occasionally happen. The point being that most of the time, it doesn't cause any issue where a player has lost out.


If I had to point to something, I'd go for the sorting. The GUI doesn't always work as it should, and lists/sorting does occasionally get buggy. Think of the crafting system, it doesn't always display everything as it should, and does (albeit rarely) mis-sort, and incorrectly display information.


If I'd clicked confirm, and the window had shown the inflated price, the fault would be mine. Instead, I can specifically remember 8 of the 10 prices on the page displayed, (happened a few days ago, at the time I could have given you all the prices) and remember clicking the confirmation dialogue price as displayed on the cheapest of items, while getting the most expensive. As such, I am unamused. Stuff goes wrong, and I'd like the bits that aren't my fault to be sorted. I consider this a simple request.


Instead, I'm implicitly called a liar, and consider that very poor customer service. This was not something I considered a big issue until customer service either did not read, or decided that I was fabricating it. Either way, that isn't customer service, instead insulting. Had I any history of asking for things in the more than 4 years I've been subscribed, I could understand some reticence. Given that isn't the case, I'd consider this an extraordinarily poor outcome.

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