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Inquisitor - no chap 1 completion and no inheritance mainhand weapon kit


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So, I'm playing an inquisitor, not my first one, and I just completed Chap 1 with him yesterday. Only thing is, the game never acknowledged that Chap 1 completed. No trip to the Fleet, no quest reward box, or inheritance mainhand weapon construction kit. My inquisitor is now spying on Ashara on Taris, so I'm definitely into chap 2. Has anyone else had this happen?
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That's definitely a bit odd, especially since the Inquisitor spends a couple of quests on Dromund Kaas in the beginning of chapter 2.


Is it possible that you just didn't accept the reward and it's chilling in the top right corner?

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No pending rewards. It was very odd. I can't recall when chap 1 ends exactly, but I was intending to play until chap 2 started...and the quests kept ticking by and ticking by and I started thinking..."wow, I didn't remember the finale to chap 1 being so long!" It went straight from Zash to meeting Thanaton, to go to my ship and start talking about Taris. No interruption. No chap 1 "go to fleet" quest completion box. Nothing. I went to Taris and started the next quest there, thinking maybe that would trigger it, but nope. Not that I need yet another inheritance mainhand kit, but I know I should have gotten one and that bugs me. And I like that "finished" feeling of seeing chap 1 complete.
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Didn't they stop giving out Inheritance/etc stuff?


I've taken 16+ toons through Chap. 1, since 4.0 dropped, and never got any Inheritance Weapons.


If you got your ship and did the cut-scene on your first flight off DK, I think you've finished Chap. 1.

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Didn't they stop giving out Inheritance/etc stuff?


I've taken 16+ toons through Chap. 1, since 4.0 dropped, and never got any Inheritance Weapons.


If you got your ship and did the cut-scene on your first flight off DK, I think you've finished Chap. 1.


Your very first flight off of DK would be finishing the Prologue, not Chap 1. Chap 1 traditionally used to end around level 32-34. If you are on the Imperial side and start getting quests for Taris, you have started Chapter 2. On the Republic side, it's Balmorra that starts off Chap. 2.


I just completed a bounty hunter as well last week and I can't recall if she got a kit upon completion of Chap 1 either. The inquisitor was particularly noticeable though because I was actively looking for the Chap 1 ending. Not sure then about the BH, but I know my inquisitor did not get an official Chap 1 ending. One thing that always signals the Chap 1 ending is that you are required to go to the Fleet and talk to your advanced trainer. No cut scene starts, but clicking on them gives a quest reward box that "officially" ends Chap 1 and I think that's when the kit is rewarded. (It's possible that the kit is awarded at the end of the previous quest, but either way, by the time you get the Fleet quest, you should definitely have it, because after that Chap 2 officially starts.)


I wonder if the issues BW is having with the Chap 3 flags setting properly is also affecting the Chap 1 flags?

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