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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Galactic Starfighter still exists! Want to learn the game?


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OP is doing a very good thing, and much respect for that.


But as far as GSF itself, I'm solidly with the haters. It's bloody awful. I've tried three times and can't even make it through the tutorial. Never again.

The way they present the tutorial is absolutely bad. Interrupting the player's actions with walls of text every few seconds is probably the worst way they could have chosen to teach the game. Despite the pacing issues, though, it offers a few easy lessons, like 'how to lock on missiles' and teaching basic movement.


One thing I often suggest to people is to play the tutorial through once normally, and then a second time but the second time, ignore the instructions and just fly around. There's nothing stopping you from doing so (other than the text popups, but they eventually cease) and your ship is invulnerable so you don't have to worry about blowing up if you hit something. You can just fly around the map and practice maneuvering.


Maybe in your case, just ignore the text and zoom around the area some? You might enjoy it enough to keep trying.


- Despon

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The way they present the tutorial is absolutely bad. Interrupting the player's actions with walls of text every few seconds is probably the worst way they could have chosen to teach the game.


Agreed, or would've been better if we could fly our actual ships in there, so we could practice with different classes of ships and experiment with different setups. Or, just make some kind of PVE GSF mode/missions.

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Agreed, or would've been better if we could fly our actual ships in there, so we could practice with different classes of ships and experiment with different setups. Or, just make some kind of PVE GSF mode/missions.


Yeah, load-out testing, kind of like how we have training dummies, would be super helpful for new pilots. Especially for GSF, being that the learning curve is much greater.

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Started playing GSF on Harbinger just in case, 2 games so far, now have bomber and GS. I still have the hardest time aiming (around 10% accuracy!) and I almost never get to finish a kill, especially when the enemy passes me by guns blazing - even with target camera locked on him. Edited by BenduKundalini
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