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Not all members of an operations group end up in the same instance of the operation


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For some time now my guild is doing 16man hardmode and NIM operations for people to get missing achievements. Since 4.3 we often have the issue that not all group members end up in the same instance, when entering the operations phase.


Just yesterday on May 16, we tried for more than half an hour to get into the same instance before we just gave up.

Our group leader had a 4/5 HC Temple of Sacrifice ID and zoned in first in order to open this ID for the group. But the rest of our players ended up in several different instances, some couldn't get in at all, although they didn't kill any boss there this week.

We tried to disband the group and reinvite people, reset phase, change the leader to someome else with a 4/5 ID, having everyone relog, having a count down in order for everyone to enter at the same time, all several times and in different order, nothing helped.


Only once we got most of the group in the same instance, this time we started the group with leader with the ID and one player without, after they ended at the correct spot after the Commanders, the others were invited one by one. But this time the group was scattered over the whole instance, with the first 2 players standing correctly at the spot you start with a 4/5 ID, but the door to the Commanders closed. Others ended up in the tunnels between Underlurker and the Commanders, some at the entrance with trash of Malaphar in front of them. Those who also had a 4/5 ID themselves couldn't zone in at all.


This happens often since 4.3 especially with 16man groups, but not always, at least we couldn't really reproduce this. As far as i remember it makes no difference if it is a fresh ID or not, only that the chances are high, that if someone is late zoning in, he will enter his own instance, instead of the one, the rest of the group is in.


We had this in a 8 man group too, two or three weeks ago. Also Temple of Sacrifice HC, we played as a group 4/5, doing Revan then, one player accidentially released to medcenter and when reentering through the purple portal, he was in his own instance with trash before Revan alive again. In that case a reset of his phase + relog helped and we could finish the operation.

But with the 16man operations, most of the time this issue means trying to get in the same instance for quite some time, often resulting in cancelling the raid. By now the motivation of our members to play 16man operations is very low due to this.


I don't know if you need further details or if this is already known, (it is not in the known issues thread). If so just tell me what is needed and i'll try to provide more information the next time we meet this problem.

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