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Bnar's Sacrifice: aka brown crystal - that came into existence during TOR era (*link)


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Bnar's Sacrifice: also known as the brown color crystal, is an extremely rare crystal that came into existence during TOR era, specifically by Jedi Master Ood Bnar during Exar Kun's reign.


Suggestion - make it very rare. Realistically, not many players will probably want this as a color crystal, but since it is incredibly rare in canon making it similar in difficulty to attain will entice lore fans. Perhaps, give it a unique property, say treat it like a dye. Have it bind to a weapon and make it unable to remove or it'll be destroyed.




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- follows link on that page to the Jedi's page, looks over images of him


Okay... In one shot where his saber is shown, it's yellow. And in the other shot, it's green. Sooo.... What I just got out of this is: "Brown! The lightsaber color so rare that the only one known to have ever used it never used it!" (Yeah yeah, there's probably a lot more of him shown in whatever comics those are taken from and maybe there could be a better shot that didn't get uploaded to that page.)

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