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Dark / Light Side idea to do Faction change , Awesome idea please read

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Hi, now on top of them needing to just add Cross Faction /tells, and leading into another feature they should add would BE AMAZING, and one of a kind type feature, FACTION Change, using the Dark / light points... ill walk you through how it would work. STAY WITH ME.


So. You create a character like normal, choose your class. Looks what ever, none of that changes. But,


Once you are in game, and at level 50 or w/e maybe earlier I don’t know. But you start out as neutral like you do now. As you level your dark or light side points. Say your a Jedi knight Guardian, you level to Dark 5, there is a Quest guy on the fleet, a "spy" / sympathizer if you will, who offers you a quest chain to change to the imperial alliance, and vise versa if your a imperial wanting to go to Rebel.


you Do the Quest or quests , "they could make it awesome" or very simple, but you level to Dark 5 as a Jedi knight or w/e and you have the choice to change to a Sith Warrior Juggernaut,


Now if you’re wondering about this "WHAT ABOUT BOUNTY HUNTERS, SMUGGLERS, TROOPERS, and AGENTS, Cause obviously with the warrior/knight and inquisitor and consular they just change to the other, but this is the awesome part.


If your a Trooper, and do this, you stay a trooper. WHICH IS AWESOME, the reason I say you should be past 50 to do this cause you cant do the Class quests as a Imperial Trooper lol, so that’s why it should be that way, it would be awesome, A Imperial Smuggler, Trooper, and Rebel Spy and Bounty hunters, cause there are these types of classes.


The Key thing to remember , is it will NOT conflict with the main story line, cause if they do it so you HAVE to complete your story line to do this, that’s even better, but either way is fine with me, and that would be the easiest way they can do it,


This is why also I think they should have Cross Faction PST, if you make friends, and then change faction you should be able to talk to them anyway, but not only that.... for sales reasons..... We should be able to run all the new content with the opposite faction, that’s one thing they really should take out of the SWG "Star Wars Galaxies book".


Please support this idea, because not only would it give the community more to do, it would let us do more cross faction PVP events. contacting the opposite faction instead of having to log onto an alt that is the opposite faction to set up player events, and lets be honest, since there is no cross faction chat ATM, besides /Say /Spatial, our factions sit on the fleet and talk crap to each other, when they could be fighting with the opposite faction instead of each other. I know there is always going to be Trolls that are just jerks cause they can be, but this will add more to our community in a positive Way, CHEERS,



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