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How to end gold spam on fleet.


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BW, give us an option to auto-ignore key "phrases" players don't want to see in chat. That way each individual player can adapt to the spammers on their own, and since every player will be able to use their own phrases it will become super difficult for the spammers to adapt in return.


Example phrases for auto ignore:


"GAMERSLEASY.COM" , "10 min delivery", "upto 20% bonus"


When ever someone uses the example text combinations they'd automatically be put on the players ignore list, and the ignore list would show an icon by their name so you know how it got there.

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I don't think this would end the spammers. It would be like spam filtering software that looks for web addresses and spammers get around it by spreading out the .com to dot C o m.the software is looking for specific items. The same thing would happen here with players needing to list a million phrases to auto ignore one attempt.


Really the only way to combat these farmers is to monopolize the market. The credit blooms or whatever they were called from the cartel market for instance.


If you got a gaurantee credit boom with each cartel pack you bought for instance. Credit booms like everything else could be of bronze, silver and gold rarity. A bronze boom could have 5-10k credits, silver could have 8-25k and gold 20-50k. Sell credit boosts, like xp, that increase your earnings for a period of time.


In this way it causes competition for farmers to make a profit and if a farmer group wants to use these Buffs they have to pay to use them. Players have a legitimate way to earn extra money or get a bonus by making a purchase from the cartel market.


The other part to this is regulating the economy. Gold farmers in this respect are money forgerers. Those who purchase forgeries are money laundering. This means you need to make your money difficult to be reproduced outside designated areas.


One way to do this is instead of NPCs dropping cash, as it were, they'd drop vouchers. Vouchers are bop and would be a face value for the credits they are worth. But you would need to take them to the voucher exchange, bank, and get your actual cash.


Bots would not be able to use the exchange service.

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I don't think this would end the spammers. It would be like spam filtering software that looks for web addresses and spammers get around it by spreading out the .com to dot C o m.the software is looking for specific items. The same thing would happen here with players needing to list a million phrases to auto ignore one attempt.




Honest question: what goes through your mind when you see credits spam?


My thought process is, "whatever." If it is in general chat, it just rolls off my back...I simply don't care enough to report or ignore. Of course I do not spend enough time on fleet for my general chat to see more than one or two gold spam messages; I am usually there either for a specific reason (usually to buy something from a vendor) or just passing through (I finished some group content). If it is a whisper, I will take the time to report and ignore, but that has not happened in a LONG time. If it is in my mail, 50% of the time I will report it as spam, and 50% it will just get deleted.


Point is I have learned to mentality ignore it so I do not need a game system/mechanic to help me ignore it.

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This should be a thing. If not for credit spammers, but simply for the sake of having it.


However, the auto-ignore thing seems like a no-go to me.


Instead, the message in question would just not be visible to the person who flags it. The sender wouldn't be ignored, just the message they sent.


You wouldn't want false positives ignoring people who aren't spammers.



...also to the guy above me... I take the time to report and ignore every single spammer I come across. Not doing so eats at me until I do it. Like an itch you try not to scratch.


I can't fathom how anyone can purposely ignore(As in leave alone) a credit spammer. That just doesn't compute in my head...

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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I can't fathom how anyone can purposely ignore(As in leave alone) a credit spammer. That just doesn't compute in my head...


Simply put, for me, the gold/credits spam became white noise a long time ago. I have been playing MMOs for 15+ years and in every one there's currency spammers.

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Simply put, for me, the gold/credits spam became white noise a long time ago. I have been playing MMOs for 15+ years and in every one there's currency spammers.


Somewhat same for me but I try to report and ignore as much as I can. I hate the junk mail that is annoying.


When Star Trek Online started there was credit spammers galore but not really any more. Credits are way to easy to come buy as is the items you want for the most part. There is almost no reason for an exchange there. Additionally they made a non tradable currency the more valuable item in game that players actually have to work for to get.


For these reasons I don't see how anyone could actually make money being a farmer in that game.

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One way to do this is instead of NPCs dropping cash, as it were, they'd drop vouchers. Vouchers are bop and would be a face value for the credits they are worth. But you would need to take them to the voucher exchange, bank, and get your actual cash.


Bots would not be able to use the exchange service.

How are you proposing to prevent bots from using the exchange service?

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How are you proposing to prevent bots from using the exchange service?


Verification of "identity" during the exchange for credits. Limit the exchanges of upto 100k at a time and a "signature" from the player at the time of exchange. Something that randomizes the process of the exchange.


Once those credits are validated you are free to use them at any retailer or market. The system could also assign a serial number to each exchange then the devs can look back on to determine legitimacy further.


If one accounts signature is assigned to multiple serials in a short period, accounting for an extremely large some over that time they can receive an audit.


Simpler still might be to make it so you can't trade credits but have to "buy" a serial numbered voucher for X amount to trade between players.


So if you are buying something from a player you would purchase the credit voucher from the 1st Galactic Bank and trade that to the other player.


That player would in turn exchange that voucher for their credits. This way you could monitor the buyer and the seller.

Edited by Tragamite
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Verification of "identity" during the exchange for credits. Limit the exchanges of upto 100k at a time and a "signature" from the player at the time of exchange. Something that randomizes the process of the exchange.


Once those credits are validated you are free to use them at any retailer or market. The system could also assign a serial number to each exchange then the devs can look back on to determine legitimacy further.


If one accounts signature is assigned to multiple serials in a short period, accounting for an extremely large some over that time they can receive an audit.


Simpler still might be to make it so you can't trade credits but have to "buy" a serial numbered voucher for X amount to trade between players.


So if you are buying something from a player you would purchase the credit voucher from the 1st Galactic Bank and trade that to the other player.


That player would in turn exchange that voucher for their credits. This way you could monitor the buyer and the seller.

So your solution to the bot problem is to make our lives more difficult in everyday gameplay? OK, yeah, that'll work. There won't be a bot problem annoying the players because there won't be enough players for the bot operators to bother with.

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