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story sequence breaking?


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so right off the bat I am NOT a new player.. this board just seemed the most appropriate location ask a potentially stupid question.


okay so I know all about the situations with insta 60 characters being by design, unable to play the class story that happens before Fallen Empire.


my question is about my newest alt...


so I have like 10 inquisitors most of which are female whom I make visually identical but with minor variations to how their story goes interaction wise in effort to see lots of combinations. (one is faithful to Andronikos, while another is cheating with Theron while a whole other friend zoned Andronikos and has only pursued Theron)


my point is I have an inquisitor who began at level one but due to my lack of a life along with the recent double exp event is level 60 but has not completed chapter one of her class story.


she is a 60 and a third of the way to 61 but has progressed to part of three of the forged alliance shadow of revan. before I start the flashpoint Legacy of the rakata I must ask


since she is still on Balmorra (empire side) if I complete legacy of the rakata and then begin shadow of revan what will happen to her class story?


will it still show Ashara a companion she has not even met yet thereby breaking her story, or will it just not let me begin?


thanks in advance!

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That is actually a very good question. Unfortunately we probably won't know unless someone tries. I'm kind of hoping they have a modified cutscene. Maybe skipping the vision part? If you try, do let us know. :jawa_biggrin:


On the other hand, the expansions are full of spoilers anyway, so imo they shouldn't be accessible unless other content was completed. But that's a different story altogether.

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thanks for the reply!


that is not a bad idea... I guess it can't hurt to try a test run...


but honestly I am a scared to do so... I mean what if it cancels my class missions?

worst case I guess I can delete her and make yet ANOTHER inquisitor! actually that could be ideal...

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thanks for the reply!


that is not a bad idea... I guess it can't hurt to try a test run...


but honestly I am a scared to do so... I mean what if it cancels my class missions?

worst case I guess I can delete her and make yet ANOTHER inquisitor! actually that could be ideal...


IMO it shouldn't have let you do any of the story stuff for any of the expansions until you at least finish the class story or choose some sort of "skip it option" when you hit 60.

You should still be able to do the FPs etc. but just not in a story sense for the lead up cut scenes etc. that put you onto the FPs.


Guess we will find out but I've found a lot of BW design in this area to be quite lazy and ill thought out since the 1-50 was done and it seems to have gotten progressively worse so I would expect you will just find a ton of inconsistencies. I don't think you will be locked out of any content until you try and start KoTFE which is where it will lock you out ... there were never locks outs for SoR.

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sorry but I just wanted to report my findings!


so when she began ch 5: shadow of revan from her ship console a cinematic played showing Illussia on her bed meditating when she gets a vision of wide open stary space and then a sudden burst of light!


she is then interupted by a droid thingy telling her he had the information on rishi she supposedly requested. Illussia denies knowing anything and the holo panics and says it must be a glitch and he will get it fixed.


she then states that someone must have wanted her attention and she is giving it to whomever this is.


the scene ends and the ship arrives at rishi!


one factor I noticed they avoided calling her Dark Lord (as in Dark Lord of the Council) instead simply my lord, meaning she is not a darth!


they really thought this through!




though after defeating that rodian in the cantina she does call herself a dark counciler... oh well what matters is she still has her class missions (to go to nar shadda for that artifact) meaning they were not deleted!



I tried recording it but I clearly screwed up the video recorder...

Edited by MelodyofLegends
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I happened to read this thread yesterday and had a character I could try it out on. In my case I had played this Mercenary through Hutta then leveled him to 50 with heroic missions only (during double XP). When I hit 50 I did a round of daily missions for the Gree Event. I wanted to do the relay mission so I went back and finished my class story on DK so I'd get my ship. This all got me to level 53 so I could do the SoR prelude.



When I started Shadow or Revan, the cutscene started as before with my character doing pushups. Instead of a companion wanting to speak with me, there was a chime for an incoming communication. There is an Imperial officer informing me he as received my request for coordinates and course to Rishi. I tell him I never submitted that request and he's a bit flustered. Mako is seen observing this exchange. I then say that someone must want me to go to Rishi and the scene ends with me and Mako sitting on the bridge going to hyperspace.



I haven't gone any further as I will want to finish my class story before doing KOTFE. I think I'll play through Rishi-Yavin-Ziost before going back to my class story just to see how it looks/works.


Thanks for posing the question, it's been fun playing it out to see what happens.

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