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Cathar Customisation


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I have an entire legacy devoted to Cathar characters. It would be great if the appearance options were more varied. For instance, I'd love for white to be an available hair colour, and the pompadour hairstyle on a Cathar would be fantastic. These are things I'd be willing to pay good coin for. It seems like a missed opportunity not to make them available to the Cathar species.
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:) I too love playing Cathar and think there should be more customization choice for them. They do need more hair styles and maybe even skin patterns for the full body(currently it is just the face). :)
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I want more hair styles too, its just Zabrak hair styles


Yeah, it's just hand-me-down hair styles. What really perplexes me is that the special hair styles you can buy from the Cartel Market are for multiple species but not Cathar. Are they really so different to customise for?


:) I too love playing Cathar and think there should be more customization choice for them. They do need more hair styles and maybe even skin patterns for the full body(currently it is just the face). :)


Agreed about the patterns. What I'd also like is a choice for a face with no pattern. Just a solid colour. Surely that wouldn't be too difficult to accommodate.

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  • 3 months later...

*More Hairstyles (w/ better textures)

*More beard styles. Less human like

*CLAWED hands. Actual hands look like the rest of the models ( they look like ape hands). I found this in the in-game codex:


Cathar are a feline humanoid species native to the planet of the same name. They are normally covered in fur, although variations in the genetic baseline have expressed themselves as at least two distinct subspecies. Cathar are noteworthy hand-to-hand combatants, possessing retractable claws, strong physiques and natural agility. It was the Cathar reputation for martial prowess that drew the Mandalorians to besiege their homeworld several centuries ago. Despite their valiant resistance against the remorseless invaders, the native Cathar were virtually exterminated. Out of millions, only a few hundred escaped the Mandalorians’ attack and fled to Republic space. In the time since their near-extinction, the Cathar have rebuilt their numbers to become common faces on Republic worlds. The Jedi Order, Galactic Senate and Republic military all claim numerous proud and loyal Cathar among their ranks. It is rare to encounter a Cathar who doesn’t actively despise the Sith Empire–and especially its Mandalorian allies."

―In-game Codex

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*More Hairstyles (w/ better textures)

*More beard styles. Less human like

*CLAWED hands. Actual hands look like the rest of the models ( they look like ape hands). I found this in the in-game codex:


Cathar are a feline humanoid species native to the planet of the same name. They are normally covered in fur, although variations in the genetic baseline have expressed themselves as at least two distinct subspecies. Cathar are noteworthy hand-to-hand combatants, possessing retractable claws, strong physiques and natural agility. It was the Cathar reputation for martial prowess that drew the Mandalorians to besiege their homeworld several centuries ago. Despite their valiant resistance against the remorseless invaders, the native Cathar were virtually exterminated. Out of millions, only a few hundred escaped the Mandalorians’ attack and fled to Republic space. In the time since their near-extinction, the Cathar have rebuilt their numbers to become common faces on Republic worlds. The Jedi Order, Galactic Senate and Republic military all claim numerous proud and loyal Cathar among their ranks. It is rare to encounter a Cathar who doesn’t actively despise the Sith Empire–and especially its Mandalorian allies."

―In-game Codex


Yeah, we NEED more of THIS!!! :D More head options too in addition to more patterns, colors, etc. Cathar need more love.

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:) I too love playing Cathar and think there should be more customization choice for them. They do need more hair styles and maybe even skin patterns for the full body(currently it is just the face). :)


Actually several pattern styles (the face markings you can add in addition to the patterns) put marks on your arms and legs too.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yes please!

It's sad that the Cathar NPCs (introduced before Cathar were playable) are so much more interesting looking than our own characters. Ours are just the same human faces with a fur texture shoved over them and pointy ears. I want to see real feline looking Cathar! I tried to make mine look as feline as possible and even kept her bald (since all the hairstyles look eugh on her) to try and emulate canon cathar...it's still sucky.

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