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Minor, but annoying companion bug


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When I right-click on my companions, they'll usually say a short phrase, and their lips will move accordingly, and you'll hear their voice from the direction corresponding to his/hers position.


This still works for most of the new companions, like Koth, Lana, Theron etc (except some of the ones you get from doing star fortresses). It also still works for the old companions before I start the KOTFE chapters, and I use the terminal (after chapter 9) to get them back on the ship.


The first time i noticed this annoying bug was when I got Talos back. When I right clicked him, he replied, but it sounded like his voice came from within my head , and his lips didnt move at all. The same has happened to all the classic companions that have returned so far (by playing through the chapters), even the ones not originally assigned to the class I'm playing. I simply cannot make their mouths move, no matter how many times i click.


Anyone else had this bug?

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