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Did Chapter X with Kaliyo and I really enjoyed the letters that you got afterwards.


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I enjoyed the chapter, it was a fun adventure and interesting to meet an companion that I haven't seen before. Played through the chapter on my main a few night ago and since then I have been playing an alt on the imp-side. Logged back on my republic main and got the letters today.



Weekly Morale Analysis



Greetings, Commander! It is my extreme pleasure to present my most recent findings on our delightful camp's morale.


Admiral Aygo and his soldiers have experienced a 12 percent increase in morale after the capture of a minor outpost on Tatooine. May I recommend a small celebration to maximize this boost in happiness?


In tracking Hylo Visz's daily routine, I have observed an 18 percent loss in sleep over the past week. My data also indicate high levels of frustration and increased irritability. Perhaps more comfortable quarters are in order, or even a reassuring hug from her commander!


I have been kept quite busy in my cleaning duties following Kaliyo Djannis's arrival. Our new recruit has conducted six scuffles with Tora to date. All have been resolved with a truce of intoxication and revelry.


I will continue to monitor morale and report any findings. I hope you have an extraordinarily productive day!




Seb Lorod

Fwd: [no subject]



Really, Kaliyo? I have to hear from some slimeball pazaak dealer that you're out in Wild Space now? Two years I waited for you, and you couldn't even send a message. I thought you might be dead, thought the bounty hunters had finally caught up to you.


Well, I can take a hint. I saved up for that club we said we'd open together, but I guess I don't need the credits anymore. Take them. That was all I was ever good for, right?




NOTE FROM THERON: Intercepted six more messages like this one, all from different people. I try not to judge personal lives, but tell me this isn't evidence to keep Kaliyo at arm's length and use her skills appropriately.





Alianna Slenn

Thank You



I don't know why Firebrand didn't go through with the full plan. I have a feeling that was your doing. Either way, I'm glad it didn't happen.

It seemed so exciting and romantic at the time. Then my father died, and I realized this isn't a game. If I hadn't helped Firebrand, maybe he would still be alive.


Things have been hectic since the droid blackout. I heard my neighbors complaining yesterday about having to wash their own clothes. I wanted to tell them to shut up--it could've been so much worse! Because of you, at least no one else got hurt.

If Firebrand is with you, please be careful. She has a way of getting under your skin.




Koth Vortena

The new recruit



Look, can we keep Kaliyo out of the sabacc games from now on? She played with my crew last night and took them for all they had. Len got back to the barracks without his clothes and wouldn't tell me what happened. He seemed a little traumatized, now that I think about it.


Kaliyo's part of the team now. I respect that. But my people don't get paid enough as it is, and now Mistress Shady's taking what little they do have. I'd appreciate if you could keep her away from them.


And if you could get Len's clothes back, that'd be great. For everyone's sake.





Logging on after a few days away and instantly getting a reminder of what happened the last time you played story is such a great way to feel connected to it and pick it up again :D


Poor Hylo Visz, I can understand if she is sleeping badly because my JK has been ignoring her a bit. Decided that all my characters would have one dump stat and with JK it is the smugglers that are getting ignored. Just wanted to see if anything would change down the line if you neglect one of the alliance-members. Well, I get a letter about it so far so I'm happy.


It's also fun to hear a bit about what has happened since Kaliyo joined, how she fit or not fit with the crew. Like the letter that Theron forwarded, jupp. I'm keeping an eye on her and don't really know how comfortable I am with having her around.


These letters put a huge smile on my face, hope we are getting more like these with future chapters :)

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