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You Broke Bolster & Ranked PVP Missions Are Now Level 60 Instead of 65


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Before the patch, PVP missions were level 65. Now, even Ranked arena PVP missions are "grey" quests that are for level 60. This makes no sense as ranked PVP requires level 65. How can the quest say it is level 60 - that person will not be able to use this quest and it is misleading to them. Before level 65, he/she cannot participate in any ranked arena quest even though the mission log says they can.


Most likely this change is a bug and it also coincides with bolster which was broken with this patch. Yes, bolster is currently broken (again). HP has shot up and main stat/power has increased like crazy as well. Everyone knows a fully augmented min/maxed DPS pvp toon is at 70.6k HP. We are now at 77K HP. Power has shot up. Something is off with bolster. If I were to guess, I assume bolster baseline is now at level 60 and 65s are being bolstered up higher.


Here's another thread with multiple people confirming: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=881613

Edited by revcrisis
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I would probably guess it has something to do with augments. My marauder, which I haven't had time to augment as of yet, still had the same HP (I presume other stats asd-well) before and after patch. Whilst all my augmented characters had their HP increased.
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After some quick investigation, we're being bolstered to Level 60 in warzones and arenas, instead of level 65. Pre-patch we had a buff which bolstered us to level 65. After the patch, this is now level 60. Explains the increase since we're wayyyy ahead of level 60 stats.
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