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Bad idea with PVP\PVE switch


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All servers have low population. I play on PVP Tomb of Freedon Nadd and here more peoples play on PVE instance. You just killed PVP server. With this situation in game you must make one megaserver with PVE\PVP switch, which dont change instance, but make player neutral or hostile. But you make more servers with this PVP\PVE function and kill online in this game.
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Instead of a mega server funneling all those gankers... err... I mean... people who enjoy OWPVP together... I would prefer if they bring a new interest in doing it rather than bringing the community as close knit as can be as this will cause the PVE instances to suffer. Ill admit some of the PVP servers do need a merge, but not a entire huge mega server is required at the moment. Actual objectives or warzones to do while in the open world... or defending a outpost... or convoy... or I don't know... something such as real time events to do would be nice.
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Your server is dead anyway, with or without the focus switch. Sure, I think it was bad for all PvP server, but BioWare never got what PvP want, so no surprise in that regard. My solution was to move my characters to The Red Eclipse, since the more heavy poplated server always will have people who try to avoid the masses and risk playing in the PvP instance now, and I guess plenty of PvP players moved there like me when server transferes had cost only 90cc, and you should have done the same instead of staying on a mostly dead server.
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I know what you mean with some servers needing a merge, however in the case of the 3 English servers you would not merge TRE as it's large already you would merge the other 2, but in the case of these 1 was a former PvP server and the other a former RP server not 2 elements that I would usually stick together and the fact that the server changes only just happened servers have not had a chance to stabilise yet.


For instance I want to start a brand new character from scratch on a server I have no legacy on, however this would mean the old PvP server but I do like being in a guild and having people to talk to while levelling but I would guess that most guilds on that server are PvP oriented and that other PvE players/guilds have not migrated over there yet.

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Instead of a mega server funneling all those gankers... err... I mean... people who enjoy OWPVP together... I would prefer if they bring a new interest in doing it rather than bringing the community as close knit as can be as this will cause the PVE instances to suffer. Ill admit some of the PVP servers do need a merge, but not a entire huge mega server is required at the moment. Actual objectives or warzones to do while in the open world... or defending a outpost... or convoy... or I don't know... something such as real time events to do would be nice.


Yes, it would and it would even get me involved. I don't care for the type PvP in game. I much prefer a larger scale, everyone show up and do their thing type. Unfortunately, it's apparently not as popular.


In some of the older MMOs (like EQ) there would be zone events and those were such fun and absolute chaos.

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Yes, it would and it would even get me involved. I don't care for the type PvP in game. I much prefer a larger scale, everyone show up and do their thing type. Unfortunately, it's apparently not as popular.


In some of the older MMOs (like EQ) there would be zone events and those were such fun and absolute chaos.


My personal favorite would probably be invasions in POTCO. Just massive waves of enemies coming from designated spots were players themselves have to defend them and work together to overcome the obstacles themselves. The invasions scaled to how many people were at a island, so one person themselves could possibly solo a invasion, meanwhile a invasion on a full server could take an hour or more. Admitably it wasn't the best, as a lot of enemies were tank and spank, but just the thought of having literal 100s of other players fighting with you on that island to overcome a obstacle was something to be excited about.

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My personal favorite would probably be invasions in POTCO. Just massive waves of enemies coming from designated spots were players themselves have to defend them and work together to overcome the obstacles themselves. The invasions scaled to how many people were at a island, so one person themselves could possibly solo a invasion, meanwhile a invasion on a full server could take an hour or more. Admitably it wasn't the best, as a lot of enemies were tank and spank, but just the thought of having literal 100s of other players fighting with you on that island to overcome a obstacle was something to be excited about.


That was SO much fun! I loved that game, I really did. Sailing about on my ship doing my thing.

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That was SO much fun! I loved that game, I really did. Sailing about on my ship doing my thing.


Although looking at it back on these years now I did find the game somewhat lacking in content, but the fact it was able to actually bring such cohesion and teamwork together of it was amazing. It created a style were you actually WANTED to group up with as many other people you could sailing your ship, given back then their were trolls and such who would steal the ship, but I often felt a strong bond with the overall community with the teamwork together. Treasure fleets was also a nice gem in the game, but disappointing as it was more of a "one group takes it all" kind of thing while the rest are screwed.


Honestly I should take a look at "The Legend Of Pirates Online" and see what progress they made recently...

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Yes, it would and it would even get me involved. I don't care for the type PvP in game. I much prefer a larger scale, everyone show up and do their thing type. Unfortunately, it's apparently not as popular.


In some of the older MMOs (like EQ) there would be zone events and those were such fun and absolute chaos.

SWTOR sadly cannot handle too many sprites without getting a terrible slow frame rate (Ilum anyway in the weeks after realses demonstrated that rather well).


Anyway, I care for PvP, even when I am not fighting, the possiblity that it can happen spices up the game. And of course it provides players with the option to do their own events, like invading an enemy faction quest node (or even their capital in some games). But one of my favourite memories had been in WoW when I was still leveling back in vanilla times, I took my fair share of time, and one day when I was fishing with my Nightelf I saw a level cap Tauren coming my way, I knew I would be dead if I fight, so I did not even bother to switch to a weapon and kept fishing, when he arrvied he just also started fishing right next to me. That was a nice experience, and well it just confirmed my opionion why playing on PvP shared is always more fun.

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Although looking at it back on these years now I did find the game somewhat lacking in content, but the fact it was able to actually bring such cohesion and teamwork together of it was amazing. It created a style were you actually WANTED to group up with as many other people you could sailing your ship, given back then their were trolls and such who would steal the ship, but I often felt a strong bond with the overall community with the teamwork together. Treasure fleets was also a nice gem in the game, but disappointing as it was more of a "one group takes it all" kind of thing while the rest are screwed.


Honestly I should take a look at "The Legend Of Pirates Online" and see what progress they made recently...


I might as well. It wasn't the greatest game ever but I sure had some fun and it was unique in many ways.

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I might as well. It wasn't the greatest game ever but I sure had some fun and it was unique in many ways.


Ill save you the work and say they haven't made much progress unless you have an alpha key. If you got one, then great, enjoy it, but if you don't open beta doesn't even have a schedule yet, and only closed beta at the earliest will be June. Still, maybe in a few years we will get our beloved game back, and until then, keep trucking on TLOPO devs.

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SWTOR sadly cannot handle too many sprites without getting a terrible slow frame rate (Ilum anyway in the weeks after realses demonstrated that rather well).


Anyway, I care for PvP, even when I am not fighting, the possiblity that it can happen spices up the game. And of course it provides players with the option to do their own events, like invading an enemy faction quest node (or even their capital in some games). But one of my favourite memories had been in WoW when I was still leveling back in vanilla times, I took my fair share of time, and one day when I was fishing with my Nightelf I saw a level cap Tauren coming my way, I knew I would be dead if I fight, so I did not even bother to switch to a weapon and kept fishing, when he arrvied he just also started fishing right next to me. That was a nice experience, and well it just confirmed my opionion why playing on PvP shared is always more fun.


Not many could. I mean back in the EQ days the lag was ferocious but it somehow added the the chaos and hilarity. DAoC was similar. It was HORRIBLE when they first let loose that type of battle. We kept crashing servers. :)


I don't care for one-on-one or small groups, too much flapping about of the epeen and dancing and t-bagging and the like. I'm just not interested in proving my testosterone level (pretty low actually, given my gender) and being an arse to everyone. Now, I've no idea if that pertains in SWTOR but I still lack interest in PvP. UO, EQ, WoW, "cured" me of any interest.

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