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Chapter V From The grave bug.


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If anyone gets to the part where the 2nd Walker arrives in Chapter 5 when you're with Lana, be careful because the 3 Zakuul knights somehow got a shield placed on them and you can't defeat them after you kill the 2nd walker off.

Only way to get out of the bugged portion is to die and return to the med center.

Then you can talk to Lana and then Valkorian asks if you want to use his power to defeat the massive mob of knights coming for you, Lana and Senya.

I've done Chapters 1 thru 9 close to 3 dozen times and I never had it bug out on me during this part until now.

Edited by IslanderRebel
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  • 5 months later...
I have the exact same problem now. I could not log out or quit the game. I had to close the game from the Task Manager. I tried dying but it didn't work. After over an hour of this I got really upset. Their shields last for 900 seconds and you can't damage them quickly enough to kill them before they put up another shield. Dying didn't work. Character is still stuck in combat.
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