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Around January/February I was a continued subscriber. During this time I maid many attempts to contact the in game technicians; as well as calls and emails through customer support. The program was glitching up and closing me out of the game. This would accrue when I scrolled into the mini map, over missions, opened the map and scrolled over missions and if I changed settings. For months I hoped this would be resolved; after a lack of resolve I gave up on the program. I recently went on to check the program and it now works properly after maintenance. all I'm asking is composition for the time paid for that was wasted; I feel it was wrongfully taken if I could not play the game. if you're a respectable company I'm sure you would stand by this position and know it is deserved.
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Also is worthwhile to keep an eye on the known issues sticky (Link)


In-game tickets should of pointed you back to that forum for an issue like this


Symptom: Crash on Mouse over of Map with Intel Video Cards

- Workaround: driver version prior to Sep 15 appears to remove this issue


If Intel have fixed their video driver that is very good news


Any request for compensation needs to be done by phone , and to be honest they may provide something if you explain you where affected by this Intel Driver issue and unable to play.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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