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State of Korriban and Tython


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I have looked across this forum but sadly couldn't find anything regarding my issue. I believe this is the right sub-forum to ask it in but correct me if I am wrong. Also warning: this thread may contain spoilers.


So I've been trying to find out what has happened to both Korriban and Tython after KotFE, especially Korriban since it seemed to be wrecked by Arcann and Thexan in the Sacrifice trailer.

While there are multiple characters in-game explaining what had happened to both the Republic and Empire in general, I have reached the issue in RP when story gaps are being filled in by speculations which bugs me somewhat. Hence why I have started this thread to get an answer on a question that burns within my mind...


What is the current state of both Korriban and Tython? Are there still Sith/Jedi being trained on eother of those planets? Did the Sith return to Korriban after Arcann and Thexan wreaked havoc on it, rebuiling it and using it as an Academy once more? Or does it lie empty and deserted?

What about Tython? Did a group of Jedi lock themselves away in the Temple again? Are there stoll younglings being shipped to Tython to be trained as Jedi?


It would be amazing if we could have some definitive answers to these questions, especially since many of us keep roleplaying Imperial or Republic characters. The key to a good character is to have a solid backstory and without information on the state of the galaxy, or at least merely vague hints of what has occured, it is difficult to make the backstory solid.

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Lana stated that Zakuul basically leaves the Republic and the Empire alone as long as tribute is paid. They do not even care if the two factions fight one another like before. While it has not been definitively stated, I would imagine Korriban and Tython would have been restored 5 years after Zakuul took over the galaxy , even with both governments being taxed to death.
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Lana stated that Zakuul basically leaves the Republic and the Empire alone as long as tribute is paid. They do not even care if the two factions fight one another like before. While it has not been definitively stated, I would imagine Korriban and Tython would have been restored 5 years after Zakuul took over the galaxy , even with both governments being taxed to death.
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