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ToFN: Don't Leave! AKA Come Join Us!


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I know a lot of you have been trying to decide if you should transfer to Red Eclipse. I'm sure I wasn't the only one that was shocked at their short-notice announcement that the 90CC price for server transfers is being increased to 1000 this Tuesday. With the time they gave us there is no way we could move even 75% of our guild in time and I'm just not willing to abandon the rest. We have loads of active players who have already spent all their monthly CC plus we also have people on holidays and work trips who have no chance. We are not forcing anybody to stay, if people want to transfer then they can. I am just asking them to stay and encourage others to do the same.


Stroke my Wookie are going to stay on ToFN and we are going to do what we can to improve our server. Let the doomsayers leave to Red Eclipse, at least we won't have to listen to their death-cries in general chat anymore :p


The other guild leaders I spoke with felt the same. We don't want to abandon our guild members and at least for now we are self sufficient and willing to work towards a better server. That's over 1000 active accounts so ToFN is far from dead, it's just not as busy as Red Eclipse. If you are on one of the quieter servers and feel pressured into moving to TRE then consider trying ToFN instead.


What about server merges?

Some of you have waited as you didn't want to leave your guild assets and people behind, hoping that server merges would be announced. Maybe they will be but our Overlords have remained silent on the issue and we can't keep planning things on what if's and maybes.


Don't get me wrong, I do believe that merges are the best solution and it would save me and the rest a whole lot of time and effort however the server isn't dead just yet and hopefully we'll survive until they do merge us. If I see my guild members suffering with no chance of improvement then of course I will initiate a mass move but for now we'll do what we can to keep the server alive.


How can we improve things on our server?

My guilds contribution will be that over the next few weeks/months we will get back to running the various server events that proved popular in the past as these always drew people in from other servers and that was when it was 1800CC to transfer. This time instead of just advertising in our own forum or /1, I'll advertise the events in the general forum which will hopefully get more peoples attention :)


I hate you and your guild, bunch of stoopid hairy savages!

Well then don't come to our events, run your own but please open them up so other people can join in. Post about it in these forums so people know where and when. Then outsiders will see that our server actually does have an active community. Lately it seems everybody is running fun things but focusing solely on their own guilds, I know I've been guilty of that ;)


What if it doesn't work and we all end up trapped on a truly dead server?

Well between now and then you can save some CC and pay the 1k cost to transfer :rolleyes:


All this could change in an instant

Bioware seem to think we enjoy having major changes to our game lives dropped on us with no notice. The reality is that it makes planning anything impossible. It honestly feels like we are being assaulted by the people that run the game including our "Guild Points of Contact". How could they even let us get to this point where we have to make these decisions?


All I know is that my guild and several others want to stay. We are not asking you to join our guilds but we are asking you to help us. This is a good server and we're going to fight to keep it alive until they merge us :sy_consular:

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I know a lot of you have been trying to decide if you should transfer to Red Eclipse. I'm sure I wasn't the only one that was shocked at their short-notice announcement that the 90CC price for server transfers is being increased to 1000 this Tuesday. With the time they gave us there is no way we could move even 75% of our guild in time and I'm just not willing to abandon the rest. We have loads of active players who have already spent all their monthly CC plus we also have people on holidays and work trips who have no chance. We are not forcing anybody to stay, if people want to transfer then they can. I am just asking them to stay and encourage others to do the same.


Stroke my Wookie are going to stay on ToFN and we are going to do what we can to improve our server. Let the doomsayers leave to Red Eclipse, at least we won't have to listen to their death-cries in general chat anymore :p


The other guild leaders I spoke with felt the same. We don't want to abandon our guild members and at least for now we are self sufficient and willing to work towards a better server. That's over 1000 active accounts so ToFN is far from dead, it's just not as busy as Red Eclipse. If you are on one of the quieter servers and feel pressured into moving to TRE then consider trying ToFN instead.


What about server merges?

Some of you have waited as you didn't want to leave your guild assets and people behind, hoping that server merges would be announced. Maybe they will be but our Overlords have remained silent on the issue and we can't keep planning things on what if's and maybes.


Don't get me wrong, I do believe that merges are the best solution and it would save me and the rest a whole lot of time and effort however the server isn't dead just yet and hopefully we'll survive until they do merge us. If I see my guild members suffering with no chance of improvement then of course I will initiate a mass move but for now we'll do what we can to keep the server alive.


How can we improve things on our server?

My guilds contribution will be that over the next few weeks/months we will get back to running the various server events that proved popular in the past as these always drew people in from other servers and that was when it was 1800CC to transfer. This time instead of just advertising in our own forum or /1, I'll advertise the events in the general forum which will hopefully get more peoples attention :)


I hate you and your guild, bunch of stoopid hairy savages!

Well then don't come to our events, run your own but please open them up so other people can join in. Post about it in these forums so people know where and when. Then outsiders will see that our server actually does have an active community. Lately it seems everybody is running fun things but focusing solely on their own guilds, I know I've been guilty of that ;)


What if it doesn't work and we all end up trapped on a truly dead server?

Well between now and then you can save some CC and pay the 1k cost to transfer :rolleyes:


All this could change in an instant

Bioware seem to think we enjoy having major changes to our game lives dropped on us with no notice. The reality is that it makes planning anything impossible. It honestly feels like we are being assaulted by the people that run the game including our "Guild Points of Contact". How could they even let us get to this point where we have to make these decisions?


All I know is that my guild and several others want to stay. We are not asking you to join our guilds but we are asking you to help us. This is a good server and we're going to fight to keep it alive until they merge us :sy_consular:


That is cruel to ask people to stay. I left POT5 2 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I truly hope you don't influence anyone to stay on TOFN. That's just cruel and selfish. Rather than do what your doing, encourage them to leave. I rolled a character on TRE and it is robust and full of life. Don't ask people to stay on a server that is wrecked beyond repair just because you and a handful of guildies can't or wont leave. Don't take other people down with you.

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Too late, transferred months ago. Can hardly even get pvp pops on pvp server, which is... well, sad.

Since the servers dont even differ in modes anymore (the pvp toggle is on all servers) I really dont see why you would pick the 80% lower pop server over the other seemingly identical but busier server if you're looking for social experience.

This also doesnt help balance rep/imp numbers in any way. Are you sure you're not just staying on easy conq server? :p

Edited by Kiesu
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Sorry, left well over a year ago and find Red Eclipse just so much better and more alive. In small communities like ToFN where everyone nearly knows each other there comes a time when you get sick of seeing the same faces all over again, same animosities, same drama, same...everything. New players seem to favor Red Eclipse as well.


So long failed pvp and it's servers, hardly anyone will miss you!

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There had been a point when people transfered from the German PvP server to the English one, and I considered it back then to also go, but I didn't, now I am going to the Red Eclipse, I am not interested to transfer to another dead server, and with the server focus option, I can play on Red Eclipse as if that would be a PvP server.
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That is cruel to ask people to stay. I left POT5 2 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. I truly hope you don't influence anyone to stay on TOFN. That's just cruel and selfish. Rather than do what you're doing, encourage them to leave. I rolled a character on TRE and it is robust and full of life. Don't ask people to stay on a server that is wrecked beyond repair just because you and a handful of guildies can't or won't leave. Don't take other people down with you.


But that is just the deal, TOFN isn't broken beyond repair. sure, it needs a combined effort to become great once again, but it isn't a utopian scenario, it is quite doable.


Hence, he mentioned his message could be ignored by doomsayers, only positive force will help anyone.

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CAN I ASK? What u telling them? They did what they want. They left TOFN. I play on TOFN since it was biggest EU pvp SERVER. I played on TRE when i want farm pvers and relax but after TRE And garbringer servr u forget how to play at all it so easy. ON GARBRINGER AND TRE U CAN play as empire side solo ranked and still be 1300 noob rating and spent years to up from 900 to 1300 and back. coz of pve popualtion LAGS SPIKES! i always loved battle meditaion and 30 players on fleet. My core i3 and radeon 7770 for 70$ videocard have 60 Fps on hight settings drop to 50 So i laught at this people who have CORE i7 with 20-10 fps drop on top 500$ videocards coz of bad engine and servers. ok it sad to have it but ur love big servers and swtor pay for ti with ur fps. I play tofn 16m hight settings on pc 6 years old and i smile when i hear about fps drop. on TOFN ALL SMOOTHY> ALSO i prefer pay ranked with 8 experinced good pvp players then play with alone vs 7 pvers and think about omg can i carry my team?> coz only i have gear. Look scoudrels leaderboard solo we have best players. All best players on EU was from tofn if they left np. BEST CHINES FARMERS SINS START THEIR JOB ON TOFN! whole golfdarm community from tofn and begeren colony USA. DUDE I AM TOFN EMPRESS MY NAME JEEZEE, WE ARE ROCKS BRO NO LAGS NO SPIKES CARAMEL PEOPLE U talk in chat as logn as u want on pther people idiots squlch u in 5 seconds. coz they boring and stupid. u want THEM BACK NO BRO we dont need the let them enjoy in htier pve paradise with 20fps on core i7 and rage on chat exploit pvers nabs we are NADD FAMILY TWENTE JEEZEE AND FREEDON NADD> PEACE LOVE CARAMEL






Edited by eezeej
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CAN I ASK? What u telling them? They did what they want. They left TOFN. I play on TOFN since it was biggest EU pvp SERVER. I played on TRE when i want farm pvers and relax but after TRE And garbringer servr u forget how to play at all it so easy. ON GARBRINGER AND TRE U CAN play as empire side solo ranked and still be 1300 noob rating and spent years to up from 900 to 1300 and back. coz of pve popualtion LAGS SPIKES! i always loved battle meditaion and 30 players on fleet. My core i3 and radeon 7770 for 70$ videocard have 60 Fps on hight settings drop to 50 So i laught at this people who have CORE i7 with 20-10 fps drop on top 500$ videocards coz of bad engine and servers. ok it sad to have it but ur love big servers and swtor pay for ti with ur fps. I play tofn 16m hight settings on pc 6 years old and i smile when i hear about fps drop. on TOFN ALL SMOOTHY> ALSO i prefer pay ranked with 8 experinced good pvp players then play with alone vs 7 pvers and think about omg can i carry my team?> coz only i have gear. Look scoudrels leaderboard solo we have best players. All best players on EU was from tofn if they left np. BEST CHINES FARMERS SINS START THEIR JOB ON TOFN! whole golfdarm community from tofn and begeren colony USA. DUDE I AM TOFN EMPRESS MY NAME JEEZEE, WE ARE ROCKS BRO NO LAGS NO SPIKES CARAMEL PEOPLE U talk in chat as logn as u want on pther people idiots squlch u in 5 seconds. coz they boring and stupid. u want THEM BACK NO BRO we dont need the let them enjoy in htier pve paradise with 20fps on core i7 and rage on chat exploit pvers nabs we are NADD FAMILY TWENTE JEEZEE AND FREEDON NADD> PEACE LOVE CARAMEL







Can we like all donate 10 bucks to him each so he can afford a proper English teacher?

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[snip]BIG WHITE RANT HERE[/snip]

You think that expirienced pvp people play on pvp servers? :D:D:D

ToFN has a lonely group of actual good people who refuse to transfer and a bunch of whiners who think they "carry" the team by doing nothing but ************ in the WZs and arenas :D

Edited by Asheris
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