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Kel Dor


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This may not have to do with the story exactly, unless you want to use the race. Kel Dor FTW, this is the next race that should be released, come on now, it should have been the first, especially since Plo-Koon, the Greatest Jedi of all time was one(refer to all his books, not just the stupid ones to where he is with Anakin Pansywalker, which, before the movies and cartoon show come out, did not actually happen! This post, will have to do with Lore in more ways than the smidgin of story because the Kel Dor's home original planet is awesome and the race origin is very sophisticated and deep. Anyways, BIOWARE, EA, LUCASARTS-ALL HEAR ME NOW, PLEASE PUT IN THE KEL DOR RACE. Heck, forget the 600CC charge for Kel Dor's, I would pay 2000CC just to get Kel Dor, oh, and please diversify the race as well, they have many different skin shades, facial features, etc., and mask(which are needed considering their home planet has very little oxygen, basically none, and toxic gas, and they are used to breathing it, so they wear the masks on other planets to acclimate to the normal humanoid conditions...hopefully these 3 companies are aware of this already. Anyways, have a good day, and in 2 weeks, May the 4th be with you!! :D
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1. This belongs in Suggestion Box in General Discussion

2. Been asked for many times. Does not meet the humanoid requirements for new species. Full face mask not working for romances specifically.

3. Bias much? "Greatest Jedi ever?"

Edited by MadDutchman
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