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What's going to happen three months down the line with no brackets?


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Are level 50s going to make up 90% of the players scaring off lower levels from entering? Granted I'm only level 17 but coming up against level 50 sorcerers I can't even dent them before they burst me down.. it's not my intention to whine but it would be good to get some clarification on what BW plan on doing as it's going to seriously discourage lower level players from participating in warzones.
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This has been written 100s or even 1000s of times (through beta, who knows? didn't take part) but so far completely ignored. Don't expect anything from BW.


Yeah I've seen it enough times myself but had been naive and hoped BW might actually you know, communicate with it's community a bit more. Maybe once the dust is settled and they start losing subs from their ignorance they'll wisen up a bit more.

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Yeah I've seen it enough times myself but had been naive and hoped BW might actually you know, communicate with it's community a bit more. Maybe once the dust is settled and they start losing subs from their ignorance they'll wisen up a bit more.


so they make brackets and i make a level 19 BH twink who destroys lowbies in my bracket, what is the difference, other than extremely longer queue times under a bracket system?

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so they make brackets and i make a level 19 BH twink who destroys lowbies in my bracket, what is the difference, other than extremely longer queue times under a bracket system?


No they just completely shun the lower levels and let level 50s stomp all over the lower level players, I'm sure the low levels will love the small queues so they can ensure they get facerolled by level 50s with minimal waiting times.

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It's not fun for the lowbies who are stuck facing who far outclass them. A damage bonus truly pointless if you don't have the gear or abilities your opponent does.


What I see being a real problem though is premades seem like they will have absolutely no competition. I'm not talking about a mixed in 50 or two, I mean all 50's vs a group of levels between 10-40. So roll pugs for a day or so, get all the merits you could want at exploit speeds, and then you're done with PvP forever.


Bioware wanted to take what made other mmo games successful and make it into a mmo, and they took the PvE elements and did a nice enough job there. But where's the PvP that keeps people playing against each other? That allows them to create their own content in interaction with each other?

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