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Chapter 12 Unplayable "Coming Soon" on 1 Toon, Played it on another just fine (Sub'd)


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Chapter 12 is currently showing as "Coming Soon" on my Trooper and is unplayable. I have tried resetting the quest several times, and have logged out of the game several times to no effect. I am a current subscriber and am subscribed up until August. I have completed the Chapter on an Imperial Agent who had finished Chapter 11 before Chapter 12 was released. My Trooper just finished Chapter 11 today, and it rolled straight into the "Coming Soon" message for Chapter 12. Again, resetting the quest and closing the client has had no effect. The game won't let me manually repair it at the launcher. I'm out of ideas.
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I think it is. Without being too spoilery, did you have a scene with Theron at the end too? After I finished the chapter, Jorgan wasn't on my companion list and the game appeared to prompt me to play the same chapter again but it was just a scene with Theron. After that, I got Jorgan back but now the next chapter only says coming soon no matter what I try.


By the way this is the only thread I can find that's discussing this bug at all. I wish I knew if there was anything on our end we could try to fix it ourselves, or if we just have to hope that BW notices us and fixes it. Looks like maybe something similar happened to agents after Kaliyo returned but I don't know how that turned out.


How long has this been borked for you, OP? I just did the chapter earlier today.

Edited by grania
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I did the Chapter yesterday.


I had a scene with Theron as well. For the devs if they are reading this:



1) I romanced Aric Jorgan during the vanilla game. I romanced Theron Shan during Shadow of Revan. I re-kindled my romance with Theron during the first 9 chapters of KOTFE. I rekindled my romance with Aric Jorgan during Chapter 11. I received a cutscene after Chapter 11 where I broke it off with Theron.

And now the game is advertising Chapter 12, but as "Coming Soon." Resetting the quest multiple times has not worked. Logging out and logging back in has done nothing.

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I may have a workaround, I went to my ship on a whim and checked the mission terminal. Lo and behold, chapter 12 was available and now I have two missions for chapter 12. One says coming soon and one says play. It's too late for me to start it up to see if it works, so I'll try it tomorrow. GL~
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The mission was also available on my ship as well. I grabbed it so I know - like you - I have two missions. One "Coming Soon" and the other "Play Now." I also didn't have time before work to fully test it, but I hit the "Play Now" button and it took me to Odesson and started the opening conversation, so it looks like it worked as a work around for now. We'll just have an extra mission in our log until BioWare gets to the heart of the problem. I'm not sure what it's going to do when we actually complete Chapter 12 though. Will have to find out tonight I guess. Thanks for the work around.
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