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Han Solo movie


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Am I the only not terribly thrilled over the announcement of a Han Solo origins story? Why does he need an origins story? There are enough origin stories. I don't really care how he becomes Han Solo. I don't really care to see how he first meets Chewie or Jabba the Hutt. i don't really care how he acquires the millennium falcon. I don't really care to see some punk kid with none of Harrison Ford's charisma doing his best Solo impersonation while failing miserably. Why not make something different like a story set in the Old Republic or a maybe a story involving Darth Bane's legacy. This new Han Solo movie seems unnecessary. It is likely to disappoint many fans, and have them yearning for the return of the original Han Solo.
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Because very people care about Darth Bane or anything that he did. Consider from a marketing point of view here, what will have more success? the untold history of a much beloved character, or the story of a character almost no one has heard of?


Why create a story with totally unknown characters when you can tell a story with some old favourites, considering we already have the former coming in later this year? (Rogue One)



I for one will reserve judgement until they actually release some teasers/trailers before I make an opinion of the acting capabilities of the young Han, let alone for the movie itself.

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I bet his origin story will not be too far off from what the Empire At War game had for him.


That game had it to where Han was a former Imperial pilot that eventually became disgusted with the treatment and enslavement of the Wookies. Han betrayed the empire, and joined forces with Chewbbaca, who was a Freedom fighter at the time, and assisted in the freeing of wookie slaves. Afterwards, Han and Chewie left imperial space, and became smugglers for the Hutt cartel.


if done properly, I think this story made into a movie might be good.

Edited by cool-dude
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Wow! Really? Great! This will be the first Star Wars Movie I'd definitely won't see in 36 years!:D


Go to JediHell Han! You stole my Princess!:mad: And now you are dead, but you broke her, ... what the heck did you do to Leia? She looks like a Shar Pei and soulds like Vader. I'll never forgive you!;):p

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Wow! Really? Great! This will be the first Star Wars Movie I'd definitely won't see in 36 years!:D


Go to JediHell Han! You stole my Princess!:mad: And now you are dead, but you broke her, ... what the heck did you do to Leia? She looks like a Shar Pei and soulds like Vader. I'll never forgive you!;):p


Carrie (Liea) Fisher did all that to herself with substance abuse, shame really, up until the late 90's she was a lovely woman (see. Austin Powers).

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I bet his origin story will not be too far off from what the Empire At War game had for him.


That game had it to where Han was a former Imperial pilot that eventually became disgusted with the treatment and enslavement of the Wookies. Han betrayed the empire, and joined forces with Chewbbaca, who was a Freedom fighter at the time, and assisted in the freeing of wookie slaves. Afterwards, Han and Chewie left imperial space, and became smugglers for the Hutt cartel.


if done properly, I think this story made into a movie might be good.


That was pretty much part of his origin long before Empire at War. Some of the finer details may have changed over the years, but the notion that he blew his Imperial career to stand up for wookiee slaves has never gone away. If memory serves, originally it was Chewbacca himself that was the mistreated slave that Han rescued (possibly killing an Imperial officer to do so). Freeing other slaves was later.

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The fact that Anthony Ingruber isn't even being considered is a blunder by Disney, he could be Ford's grandson and his imitation of Solo, Dekard and Indy in these Youtube video's is spot on.


In all honesty, doing an impression of a pre-existing scene is one thing, doing an impression on a new scenario/improvisation is another.


I dunno if your links show him doing an improvisation, I only quickly skimmed the first video.

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In all honesty, doing an impression of a pre-existing scene is one thing, doing an impression on a new scenario/improvisation is another.


I dunno if your links show him doing an improvisation, I only quickly skimmed the first video.


Considering he's already played a young Harrison Ford in a major motion picture, "Age of Adeline", cited Ford and his iconic roles as his reason for becoming an actor and received praise from Ford, I think he'd nail it.

Edited by TKMaster
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Considering he's already played a young Harrison Ford in a major motion picture, "Age of Adeline", cited Ford and his iconic roles as his reason for becoming an actor and received praise from Ford, I think he'd nail it.


Okay, I'll just have to believe you on that.

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really? Do you seriously have such an issue with female leads that you have to go spout it off in even the most ridiculous of places?


No, but can you imagine the nerd riots if they reveal Boba Fett to be a female clone of Jango? We only saw "him" as a kid in gender neutral outfits, or full body armor.

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No, but can you imagine the nerd riots if they reveal Boba Fett to be a female clone of Jango? We only saw "him" as a kid in gender neutral outfits, or full body armor.


No, he's clearly male in TCW.


and kinda hard to have a female clone of a male, considering they don't even have the same chromosomes. If they tried a transgender thing it would be a disaster.

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No, he's clearly male in TCW.


and kinda hard to have a female clone of a male, considering they don't even have the same chromosomes. If they tried a transgender thing it would be a disaster.


It was a joke. I haven't seen but the first 2 seasons of TCW, so I wasn't aware he was in it


In a universe with ninja space wizards, FTL travel, and soldiers bred and raised to combat age in only a few years with no maturity issues, do you really think it'd be hard for them to flip a chromosome?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lol I was right this movie is going to flop hard, and piss loads of fans off.


The first criteria for a proper Han Solo movie is casting someone who actually resembles Han Solo. It's not rocket science. Disney could not even get that right.... It's all down hill from here.


Now if they cast this guy then there might be some hope for this movie. He actually looks like a younger Ford, he's over 6ft, and has played Ford already,http://http://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/t/55ae918ce4b063742af825e9/1437503886812/?format=1500w


Instead Disney casts a guy who is 5'8 and does not look anything like a young Ford.


Great casting decision Disney! You know how to pick em!

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The fact that Anthony Ingruber isn't even being considered is a blunder by Disney, he could be Ford's grandson and his imitation of Solo, Dekard and Indy in these Youtube video's is spot on.




Agreed 100% I can't voice how disappointed I am with the choice they're going with. Anthony Ingruber was the perfect man for the job and Disney blew it. I won't support this, I don't care if it is Star Wars. I want it done right and I won't support this cast failure. I mean really how hard can it be, when you have Ingruber right there...already having played a younger Ford character and brilliantly I might add, in Age of Adeline.


Alden Ehrenreich is not the best man for the job. He doesn't resemble or sound like Han/Ford and his performances that I've seen, sucked. I remember him in 'Beautiful Creatures' and I'm blown away that Disney would even consider this guy for a part in anything, never mind something as major as Star Wars.

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No, but can you imagine the nerd riots if they reveal Boba Fett to be a female clone of Jango? We only saw "him" as a kid in gender neutral outfits, or full body armor.


Boba Fett also has spoken dialogue in The Empire Strikes Back, and sounds like a guy talking through a mic.


While it's clearly possible and easy to modify voices in Star Wars (Darth Vader, Leia posing as an Ubesian bounty hunter), there's no real reason you'd be a woman and 100% of your voice modulation for disguise purposes just makes you sound like a man. No one would care if you're male or female. Star Wars doesn't have the same negative attitudes towards people of non-traditional gender ideas (or roles) that the real world does. If Boba Fett was a woman that wanted to be a man (which is impossible anyway because we see him as a 10-12 year old boy in Episode II, but for the sake of this thought experiment), she could just go and get the operation done. There'd be no point in using a voice modulator to pretend to be male, 100% of the time, forever.


OT: Ingruber's impersonation of Han Solo in that youtube video is godsdamned hilarious. He sounds like he's had a few rounds of kri'gee.

Edited by Diviciacus
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really? Do you seriously have such an issue with female leads that you have to go spout it off in even the most ridiculous of places?


Depends. Are they mary sue characters that exhibit more latent natural abilities then even the most prodigious characters in the universe (or even EU) when those characters are supposed to be the most powerful character ever? Or is it just a gender bend to appease a 'social justice' sense of identity that makes no sense and could possibly destroy a character?


How would you feel if they did make a Han Solo origin story only to find out that Han Solo stole his identity from some else, and that change was made because its now cool and edgy to gender bend characters?


At most a Han Solo origin story will be the Kessel Run. Its really the only interesting thing he ever did.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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I didn't like the new actor's face. Haven't seen him act or heard him speak either.


Maybe he'll be okay for the part, but doesn't look like he'll be a harrison ford.



Steven Spielberg picked out this new actor from a Bar Mitzvahs he attended.

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