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Strange Happenings for the Consular


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I just completed chapter 1 of the Jedi Consular story line (for the third time). Some strange things happened when I started chapter 2. After reaching the point where Nadia is protecting her father she was not using a pistol or ranged weapon, but a sable bladed lightsaber and holding it like a pistol. The statements of the Sith seem to imply that she should be holding a pistol. This bug did not effect the story it just looked strange. After saving the ship I proceeded to my ship and found one messed up conference room. Nadia's father had the Sullustan's head sticking out of his chest (I did not know Sullustans were chest bursters). This happened everytime I the camera focused on him when he said his lines. The female twilek, wimpy back stabbing guy in senator type clothes, the Balmorran representative, and the back stabbing Selkath all had no visual problems. When it came to Nadia speaking her father was apparently sitting on her lap (must have been painful) and her arms were moving sticking through his chest (again painful, was she about to do a Johnny Cage fatality from mortal Kombat X, and comical looking). The shot before her father had his twin or shadow clone in a chair on the same side of the table. I did not finish the scene, but just thought someone might want to know about these abnormalities. So far it has not effected the story, but it just looks wrong.


I decided to try the quest again and discovered that prior to the cut scene that Diab Duin and Senator Grell can be sitting on the chair not in the chair. It also seems that during the cut scene you can see the npcs in the positions that they are before the cut scene when I walk around my ship. Senator Grell and Diab will change from sitting on the chair to sitting in the chair when I leave the ship and return.

Edited by MOAI
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