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Which PvP spec for Mara?


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Leveling my Mara with the endgame for me of using him for WZs. What's the best spec for PvP?


All 3 work tbh


Fury for multiple burst periods with protection agasint it from other classes mostly coming from dcds Decent sustained damage and good sticking power they also have some cc immunity in their rotation which can be used to get in extra damage or push harder on a target. they have the lowest in combat dr of the 3 specs.


Annihilation- Very high sustained and able to dot spread on closer targets has decent burst windows on crits with annihilate and zerk burns but requires ramp up time for the entire spec to get going. Has weak ish self healing gets better with more targets that its able to spread dots to. It's sticking power is pretty much dependent on utility skills unlike fury which has obliterate if rooted and in range special to the discipline . Anni has the highest in combat dr of the 3 specs if they have their bleeds rolling.


Carnage- Has the highest possible burst window in the game and also the hardest time getting it off vs a person that notices you actually are carnage as it is feared and will mostly likely be stopped if possible. Good sustain and surprisingly amazing aoe if that's needed, sticking power for them just like anni mara is ok but primarily based off of utility skills . Combat is 2nd of the 3 specs in terms of in combat damage reduction.



As when and what to use them for I would say all 3 for regs are fine personally found fury to be the best in regs it's also my top pick for yolo que. Anni works incredibly well in group ranked depending on the comp, don't suggest using this in yolo though. Carnage works well in regs as well most ppl if they know nothing about carny won't stop ur burst windows , it also does pretty well in yolo if you intend to blow someone up. Devastating in group ranked with proper support and cc help from teammates


As for utility point selection t I personally take no matter the tree though are


Skillfull tier- Brazen overwhelm and will bounce between inexorable and unflinching determination or maiming reach


Masterful tier- Relentless and Defensive roll


Heroic tier- Unbound with 1 point left to take whatever.

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All 3 work tbh


Fury for multiple burst periods with protection agasint it from other classes mostly coming from dcds Decent sustained damage and good sticking power they also have some cc immunity in their rotation which can be used to get in extra damage or push harder on a target. they have the lowest in combat dr of the 3 specs.


Annihilation- Very high sustained and able to dot spread on closer targets has decent burst windows on crits with annihilate and zerk burns but requires ramp up time for the entire spec to get going. Has weak ish self healing gets better with more targets that its able to spread dots to. It's sticking power is pretty much dependent on utility skills unlike fury which has obliterate if rooted and in range special to the discipline . Anni has the highest in combat dr of the 3 specs if they have their bleeds rolling.


Carnage- Has the highest possible burst window in the game and also the hardest time getting it off vs a person that notices you actually are carnage as it is feared and will mostly likely be stopped if possible. Good sustain and surprisingly amazing aoe if that's needed, sticking power for them just like anni mara is ok but primarily based off of utility skills . Combat is 2nd of the 3 specs in terms of in combat damage reduction.



As when and what to use them for I would say all 3 for regs are fine personally found fury to be the best in regs it's also my top pick for yolo que. Anni works incredibly well in group ranked depending on the comp, don't suggest using this in yolo though. Carnage works well in regs as well most ppl if they know nothing about carny won't stop ur burst windows , it also does pretty well in yolo if you intend to blow someone up. Devastating in group ranked with proper support and cc help from teammates


As for utility point selection t I personally take no matter the tree though are


Skillfull tier- Brazen overwhelm and will bounce between inexorable and unflinching determination or maiming reach


Masterful tier- Relentless and Defensive roll


Heroic tier- Unbound with 1 point left to take whatever.


Thanks for the great reply, you've given me a lot to chew on :)


Sounds like Fury is the most effective and the easiest to use and to gear for.


Been using Anni in PvE and have to say the bleed heals are horrible. I don't mind the ramp up time IF the trade off is some decent self healing, but there's not.


Carnage takes probably more skill than I have + against smart players it sounds like it can be shut down.


Again, thnx for the response

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