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season 7 rewards and season 6 rewards


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Hey all,


I just started ranked, and i checked the rewards for season 6 and they are really cool, especially sniper and blaster rifles, as i am a sucker for laser sights...So slowly but surely I am gathering the tokens, and I wonder, will i be able to use em to get season 6 stuff, it looks awesome and we don't know if they will have similar in 7.


If i wanted a sniper and blaster rifle, how many tokens do i need, or is it random if you buy a crate?




And lastly, how long does season last? I want to make sure I make some time to actually gather the tokens.


Thank you!

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Will i be able to use em to get season 6 stuff, it looks awesome and we don't know if they will have similar in 7?


Nothing is set in stone yet, but I highly doubt that will work. Seasons usually have their own rewards and their own tiers. They are a manner of distinguishing each performance in every season, and I doubt Bioware will unlock the season 6 rewards for season 7 tokens. I think we will see the vendor being updated with season seven rewards as soon as the season ends.


I can't be sure since I am not a developer, but I think the answer is: No, you can't buy season 6 stuff with season 7 tokens.


If i wanted a sniper and blaster rifle, how many tokens do i need, or is it random if you buy a crate?


The single crate contains all weapons at once. They are - as far as I know - legacy bound, which means you can buy one crate and distribute the weapons across your AC classes as you see fit. The box was 20k tokens last season, and I think we are looking at a similar price this season. That's either doing the weekly/daily for a few weeks, or it's reaching silver rating (1350) as highest earned rating at one point. To give you a rough example: I did some off-hand ranked in the last couple of days. I managed to stack up to 5k tokens without even bothering to look at my rating. Doing the daily will result in 400 commendations per day, finishing the weekly is 300 + the victory commendations. Even just completing the daily every single day for as long as the season is on:


Let's assume the season has an average of 84 days. 84x400 = 33.600 commendations. Twelve times the weekly (every seven days) is 3.600 extra, totalling around 37.200 commendations. Even without any rating, you will be able to afford the lower tier colour crystals, the weapon lockbox, and the blue title with ease.


I hope that helps.

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Thanks that really helped, Id rather prefer one higher tier crystal if legacy bound and a weapons crate, just lets hope they are as good as season 6, because the "furious series" iv seen on other players i find terrible looking :D


I jut started today and have 600 tokens!:)


All i need to do is survive the toxicity and an outright hate coming from people who worry about their stats too much :D

Edited by AlCorazon
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All i need to do is survive the toxicity and an outright hate coming from people who worry about their stats too much


Don't bother with that kind of person. As someone who has played competitive in higher tiers in other games before: There is no good reason to flame anyone for losing a match. People learn. Sometimes they mess up and go: "Well, I could have done that move a bit faster!"


The important thing during a match is to not lose focus. When you want to flame in chat or get tunnel vision, I guarantee you that your performance will instantly drop. That's one mistake most of those people don't realize, and it is one of the reasons they will stick around a low performance for a long time.


Ignore them and farm your commendations. Try to communicate with your team. When someone starts to flame? Just ignore him and continue.

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