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Time for a Contraband Slot machine update!

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It' pretty safe to say BW way over nerfed the Contraband Slot machine after the original criticism. in it's current state it's only useful for acquiring reputation tokens for the Contraband Resale Corp. If you've already maxed your rep the credits you receive average out to about 50% of what you spend on tokens, and the mount and cartel certificates are so rare it's hardly worth the time and effort to grind for.


Now that cartel packs no longer contain rep tokens or cartel certificates it's high time BW release the rest of the machines, as well as reexamine the drop rates for cartel certificates and mounts.

Edited by ViciousFett
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It' pretty safe to say BW way over nerfed the Contraband Slot machine after the original criticism. in it's current state it's only useful for acquiring reputation tokens for the Contraband Resale Corp. If you've already maxed your rep the credits you receive average out to about 50% of what you spend on tokens, and the mount and cartel certificates are so rare it's hardly worth the time and effort to grind for.


Now that cartel packs no longer contain rep tokens or cartel certificates it's high time BW release the rest of the machines, as well as reexamine the drop rates for cartel certificates and mounts.


100% yes please!

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Don't forget the many suggestions that have been thrown around on this subject during and since the fiasco of the release of the contraband slot machine. A revised format could consider:


1) Adding the random material satchels as a more common alternative to Jawa scrap drops. (Satchels are randomized but they contain multiple units. Jawa drops are only one unit but it's a magic super material with a 1:1 trade-in rate to turn it into almost any material you want. Granted, maybe it's a bit of a balancing act to get those both at drop rates that feel fair. But I think the more abundant randomized prizes would make up for the currency being among the rare drops.)


2) Adding machine-specific prize tickets as a more common alternative to cartel certificate drops. (A currency like the Nightlife event's gold certificates. Add listings to the matching rep vendor that cost prize tickets. This would cover alternately priced copies of items already on the vendor, and if they're feeling ambitious maybe it could even include exclusive new items as well.)


3) Creating a new set of lockbox / satchel type items which contain random companion gifts. Add that as a new type of prize that the machine can drop to get some more variety in the drops. (I'm thinking 4 types: premium, prototype, artifact, and legendary. The first 3 would each contain a random gift of that quality from grades 1-5. The legendary gift box would be the rarest of these drops but it would contain a random grade 6 gift.)


4) Even if if's a small chance, add a possibility for a double token return. (Maybe instead of just 20% chance to get the token back it's 19% chance to get the token back and 1% chance to get two tokens back.)


5) Also, the chance to lose never should have been raised from 25% to 45%. That was just absurd. Although the 45% loss rate could perhaps be left alone if it was balanced out somewhat by having the double token drop also grant a "feeling lucky" buff (like the one from Nightlife) which rolls with an adjusted drop table (25% loss rate and increases to all prize drop rates) until you receive a jackpot result or the buff wears off.


6) And it's annoying to see the machine blaring "jackpot" effects for junk drops (aka rep items), so the machine's definition of jackpot needs to be reworked to ONLY cover drops that are at least artifact quality (which will include purple rep items as well but at least they vendor for 2500 credits, compared to the 750 that it costs to buy the token). That way, the special effects actually mean something.


There's probably more to be listed off that I'm forgetting at the moment. There was a LOT of chatter in the topics that we had on this subject.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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