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The Taris: Bonus Series can be completely broken and not be finishable. Reason inside


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I cannot finish the Taris: Bonus Series due to a pretty major bug.


I got the quest from Vealo at Brejik's Run to go to Mola Haxtor and complete the quest "Missing Link". The problem is, I already did that quest from Mola before I spoke to Vealo, because on my way to Brejik's Run, I saw the quest pop up, and I went and did it first, while not knowing Vealo would want me to do it after I spoke to him.


So, my Taris: Bonus Series quest is greyed out and I'm completely stuck and unable to proceed. I tried going to Mola and talking to her, but I just get her thanking me because I already did the quest.


If those quests need to be completed in a certain order, why are they completable before I get the quest from Vealo to go and do them? Is it due to 4.0 level sync? My character was well above the Taris levels (level 40 something) so maybe that's why.


Either way, I'm stuck now until this is fixed. I want to play the game in order story wise and now I can't. Just a heads up, that this is a major bug that stops me from proceeding. (I know these quests aren't needed to hit 65, but I want to do all the story).


I Hope this can be fixed soon. I've sent in a ticket, but I doubt it will be much help.



Edited by Dirtnose
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Yeah. I ran into this today.


This one is a deal breaker for me. I can get over a lot.

Sometimes achievements brake? It's fine, I don't even pay attention to them.

Losing finished class story and being told you have to wait for month? Not fine, but ok.

Quests bugging out and you have to reset them, losing (sometimes) a lot of time on repeating same thing? It happens, it's fine.


But when I finally decide that I just want to chill out, play some story lines, do every single side quest available on planet, no matter how pointless, unrewarding and unnecessary it is, only to find out it's been bugged, not for days, not for a week, not even month, but that same thing has been reported up to 4 years back!, then what the hell am I paying for.


As minor as this may seem to some, it's just too much for me.

I know there are bigger issues in the game, people complaining about stuff that affects more users, but to each his own, eh. I just wanted to have some bloody fun with non-main story. Is that too much to ask?

13€ a month for faster leveling and unlimited FP/WZs is not worth it for me. At least now when I run into unsolvable bugs I'll know I'm not paying to get annoyed by them. Subscription cancelled.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Not sure about "years", but it were discovered years ago, fixed, and now, after KotFE update is broken again. Only one of my 10 characters is affected but I'm not playing this character more just because of that. I want to legitimately finish this mission.
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