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Sorc/Sage bubble in new WZ


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I have seen single sorc/sages bubble on a captured node and not lose the node for the duration of the bubble. It gives valuable time for reinforcements to show up or the node to expire. Must be intended? but if you stealth you lose the node so shouldn't it be the same for the bubble. in essence you are leaving combat.
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Sorcs can also bubble with the Mods you use to activate/deactivate objective points.


Nerf Operatives because they cant even use their stealth out (vanish) if they ever pick the Mod up. Would be nice IDC if you lose the mod when you stealth out. But #nerfOPeratives #ForeverBuffSorcs.


You don't get auto pulled out of stealth after 10 seconds.


^ what do you even mean auto pulled out of stealth after 10 seconds?? You cant even use stealth inside the objective, it will deactivate immediately. It would of been nice if it just didn't deactivate, if you are the ONLY person around and no enemy, but you know #NerfOPeratives.


Oh!! did you also know if you use holotraverse any Sorc pillar humping you can die instantly by teleporting inside the pillar. #NerfOPeratives. (yes this happens on the new map odessen and rishi)

Sorc is LOVE, Sorc Is LIFE.



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