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new weapon buff. does it mean changes to costume tabs is coming?


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Since the new chapter gives players a weapon with a buff when equipped I'm wondering if a change will be made where the player will be able to equip a weapon in the costume tabs. It would have to be one where the skin has to match the equipped weapon of course (can't have jedi running around with sniper rifles) but it only makes sense to do so.


I think it can be said that most players have a theme for each of their characters and forcing a certain look, even if only one piece of gear, onto a player to give them an advantage seems like a less than inspired design choice. Especially with the multitude of weapons in collections and the release of the HK inspired weapons that came along with the chapter release.


My smuggler for instance has had a great deal of effort and expense put into making a near perfect Han Solo outfit and the Kingpin blaster which is closest to a DL-44 as this game has is a part of that design. I feel like this buff attached to the new weapon seems like a penalty for sticking with a particular visual aesthetic.

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