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Yavin IV mount issues


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After killing the stoneray matriarch, I find that I can not mount up. When I click on a vehicle I the start of the sound file for mounting a vehicle but then it stops and I get a message "You can't mount here". However, if I move away from the nest area (which I used to always be able to mount up) I still get the message. I can use my Rocket Boost, just not a vehicle. After quick-travelling back to the alliance base, I still have the mount-up bug. I have tried other vehicles than the one on my quick bar and they get the same result. The only "fix" is to log out and log back in again.
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I've found this delightful little bug, myself. QTing to a stronghold will fix it. At least it does for me. I've only noticed the issue recently since I have been ignoring Yavin since KOTFE dropped.


Now, if I make the Yavin daily/weekly run, I do the stoneray quest last so I can just port off Yavin once I turn in the missions.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hey, I know this won't get fixed but thought I would just post it anyway.


Sometimes you can't mount anywhere while on Yavin IV. When clicking on your mount, it says, "You can't mount here" . Now, if you logout and back in, you can successfully ride a mount. I'm told, if you teleport back to your stronghold and back to Yavin IV, you should be able to mount as well. Haven't tried it.


Anyhow. It's obviously not game breaking so I assume it will never get fixed. Thankfully, there is a workaround.

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  • 1 month later...

This just started bugging for me. It only happens if I take a Pub side toon and QT to the Republic Forward Camp. But it prevents me from summoning any mount except the Rocket Boost temporary, until I get over nearer to the Imperial camp.


If I land on Yavin and QT to the alcove base, it doesn't happen at all.


I haven't seen it yet on any of my Imp toons, but it's been a minute since I played any of them on Yavin. I really only go to refresh Ruusan crystals, etc...

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  • 7 months later...
It's obviously not game breaking so I assume it will never get fixed. Thankfully, there is a workaround.


Here I am, trying to find out if this is a more recent issue, discovering it's anything but recent and seemingly quite common and then, while reading this comment, realizing that not only has fixing bugs here never been much of a priority, the players seem to have come to terms with it or learnt to live with it or... I don't know, whatever. I'm sad,

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  • 1 month later...
Hey, I know this won't get fixed but thought I would just post it anyway.


Sometimes you can't mount anywhere while on Yavin IV. When clicking on your mount, it says, "You can't mount here" . Now, if you logout and back in, you can successfully ride a mount. I'm told, if you teleport back to your stronghold and back to Yavin IV, you should be able to mount as well. Haven't tried it.


Anyhow. It's obviously not game breaking so I assume it will never get fixed. Thankfully, there is a workaround.


It is game breaking, if you have to log out because a programmer forgot to clean the states after you leave one phase you lose the queue time.


still broken

Edited by Alexandrozingsw
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if it is phase related right mouse clicking on the character portrait and resetting all active phases ?


It's more in the "if player is out of the cave remove can't mount flag" way, by now it should be a standard procedure/function to call when you switch zones and or qt.

Oricon has a cave too and this problem doesn't happen, but that's another quality of content.

Edited by Alexandrozingsw
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