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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Okay. So 5 months of staying subbed but not playing later...


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Mostly because I was kind of let-down about the generifying of the companions in terms of gameplay and just wanted to give the game a break for a while to see what all this new stuff evolved into... but there's been almost nothing.


* Nothing new in the end-game

* A very small fraction of a Kotor in terms of single-player-style content

* The Fluff which I'm admittedly a glutton for looks like the B-Team's been phoning it in and is behind by about 3 months. But seriously no new e-motes. No new toys? Just meh armor, guns, vehicles, many of which are repaints, and in lower quantity than before. Awesome.


You just had the best damned SW movie since Empire a couple months ago. What in the heck is going on here?


The thing that really bugs me is that I'm actually bothered by the 15 bucks a month I've been spending in absentia. Because while 15/month has been in my adult life relevant, it's not very relevant to me now. It's almost nothing. And yet I can't help but feel like I've participated in a bad faith kickstarter. I can't stop thinking in terms of an entire game I spent 50-75 bucks on and thoroughly enjoyed sometimes for years vs the 5 months of almost nothing that got added to this game.


Well, thanks for running the servers I guess. And the gunslinger archetype in the SW setting was fun while it lasted. But I suspect I'll be in maintenance mode myself from here on out once I've played however few hours it takes to get through chapters X and XI. And seriously whoever wrote I though IX, get them on an SP Kotor already. That was good stuff. Just maybe not $180/year good.

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You just had the best damned SW movie since Empire a couple months ago. What in the heck is going on here?


Either they have been gutted by EA, or they are completely incompetent...


There should have been a rolling series of events to go along with the launch of the movie. I personally would have opened up F2P for 1 week to "sub level" access for everyone when the movie launched, to draw in new players, and to keep subs happy, give them an extra 1,000 CC as a thank you for being subbed during that time.


There should have been a new event going on all December, and major tie ins to the movie. Who cares about the timeframe, this is about marketing and promotion, it would have been nice...


As it stands, I don't recall SWTOR acknowledging the movie in any regard at launch. Sad.

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Yea, I wouldn't hold out any hope for NEW content. BW is just phoning it in at this point; it's fairly obvious despite all the brownnosers here on the forums.


Bugs still active from launch.

Romance gifts STILL completely bugged out.

Chapter 12 was just sad; that's supposed to be story? I've seen planetary quests with better story than that.

Nico bug goes on for over 2 weeks with virtually no communication to the community. AFTER being reported on PTS.

Chapter 10 bug for agents.

I've had an ongoing bug for over 1 1/2 years where I get ported to fleet upon logging in when I was in my stronghold.

Lana and Theron romance bugs.

Chapter 12 was bugged all to crap on release. But they held back EC for "quality" issues...

My juggernaut was stuck on chapter 7 for over a month with no response from BW. They eventually pushed a fix for it but NEVER responded to my tickets.

Lame HK reward after lame HK reward after lame HK reward. Did I mention the HK rewards are lame?

Choices matter....NOT. The only choices that matters in this game is what gender and advance class you choose. Koth will be back in some form or another; you can bet on that.

Customer service is possibly the worst I've EVER experienced, and I have comcast.

Bipolar nerfs and buffs.

LI companions not being the VERY first companions back. That's either a ploy to milk us for more subscription money or just an idiotic story plan. At this point IDK which. You get Havoc squad back with trooper and there's a 2 second convo about Dorne...***?

No new operations.

No new FPs.

No new WZs.....yet. We'll see if a new one really comes...

Level sync was a terrible idea. I spent all that time and effort getting to max level and it means almost NOTHING because I'm nerfed when I go back to low planets.

So many other bugs and bad design that I've either forgotten or don't want to spend the time to list.


Possibly the best IP in the WORLD and Bioware managed to flub it from the start. Now it's just getting insulting. Unless you're a white knight fanboi, you should be voting with your wallet until they either shut it down or get their act together and give us a reason to pay for the game.

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