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Website Updates


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First, I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended so the website maintenance employees can watch youtube instead of do their job, but, there is no link to report website errors or problems. In lieu of that, there seems to be no forum for website errors or problems, thus I am posting here.


Second, yes, maintenance is great and wonderful as long as it fixes things but it would be advantageous if the website correctly informed us of the status of the servers. The servers being down and the website stating they are up is a bit annoying after trying to log in and then searching for what might be problems for a correct reason we can not log in. Consider that notices and alerts are not always taken down promptly (which would fix some of the confusion) or relevant to a current situation. Or if, for some reason, the Server Status page isn't used or updated anymore, please remove it and all links to it during maintenance. I say this because it has given false information before.


Many of the information pages are outdated as well. There are a few more planets available now. The pages haven't been updated since the Cartel expansion. Those were the main ones I was perusing while maintenance was going on but there might be more.


Events, though updated currently (hopefully it will stay being updated) has in the past, not been updated for many many events. For instance, not long ago, we were four or five events passed what the event page displayed.


I would like to add that when I am not logged in and want to post a reply or start a thread. I expect to click the Post button go to a log in screen, log in, return to the page I initially clicked on the Post button or to the page I can begin my post. As it is, after I click Post, I'm sent to a log in screen and then to the homepage of the site. This causes me to have to find my way to where I wanted to post to begin with. I know this isn't that high on a priority list but the convenience and quality of life it would give is substantial and would bring the SWTOR website even more into the 1990's... then maybe start looking for ways to bring it up to current 2010+ standards.


Thanks :)


Remember, you don't have to re-invent the wheel. Go out and look at what other companies have done, implement the pros and purge the cons. Same goes for the MMOG. Why do you think WoW is such a cash cow? But if you look at WoW, remember to purge the cons ;).

Edited by Keraejis
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