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Companion Specialization


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Make every companion be a SPECIALIST on EITHER Tanking, DPS or heals.


Why? :rolleyes:


Cause people use different companions ANYWAY. They dont stick with just ONE. :eek:


Its better to have an alliance with different companions that have complimentary gifts, abilites for different types of reasons.


For example.


Before I had a use for 4 companions:


I used aoe melee companion while i was doing Dailies on Black Hole. (ex) :p

I used the healer when i duoed FPs. (ex) :p

I used my tank companion for other reasons and destinations.... :p

I used ranged dps for .... etc... :p


And sometimes i used Treek or HK 51 when i felt like having that type of power behind.

What i am SAYING Is the FOLLOWING:

Before I had an actual USE of ALL my companions BECAUSE they had different powers and abilites.



The new thing about all m 50 companions have THE SAME ABILITES are IDIOTIC AND MEANINGLESS. :mad:


Change multi companions to SPECIALIZED COMPANIONS!


Thanks. :o:cool:





For people who wants to dig deeper into the meaning of my post:


Think about having an ALLIANCE, where EVERY COMPANION IS DIFFERENT and SPECIAL in their own uniqueness.


This is a few examples:


Your alliance could be something like this:


Malawi Quinn= Fast healer and dps. Small amounts of each. (Cause thats his personailty, he is "SUPER" healer OR super DPSer and definitley NOT a tank)

Khem VAL= Tank. This companion is probably the toughest and meanest and BIGGEST companion there is. He should be ALL TANK. HE Could have the ability with MULTI GRAPPLE. Basically if you use this comp, he will be able to "PULL" in and generathe threat to LOTS of mobs. The bad side with Khem: HE IS SLOW, and do Less attacks.


Nadia/Ahshara etc (the companions with a doublebladed lightsabre) They are full DPS. They do MASSIVE AOE, fast and sweet attacks. They hit about 5-8 mobs at the time but they do MODERATE DAMAGE.


HK51 types. SINGLE DPS TARGET. They do MASSIVE DAMAGE on 1 target alone. Good if you wanna stealth around and cc a lot and kill mobs from distance.


You got the point.


THIS will make SWTOR fun again.

Edited by CountZart
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Malawi Quinn= Fast healer and dps. Small amounts of each. (Cause thats his personailty, he is "SUPER" healer OR super DPSer and definitley NOT a tank)


Quinn was the worst healer in game, he let my warriors die all the damn time. they dont need to change companions back to the way they were, but they should have left the original companions at least 1 unique ability per spec they had before. ie: blizz in dps spec should have had his rocket launcher attack and in tank spec his zip-line charge, hk-51 should have kept his terminate in dps spec. things like that. i only have/had 3 complaints about the changes to companions.

1. the inability to change the "main character" companions' appearances

2. they removed all individuality from them other than lokin, he still changes into a rakghoul in combat if in a spec other than heals

3. not everyone has had a companion return yet in kotfe, smugglers still havent seen any of their companions, while troopers have seen 4/5 returned already.

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