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Having Issues with a Cutscene for the Jedi Consular


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Oops, realized I had posted this in the wrong section and now putting it in the right one.


I had posted this to the help section on the EA forums and haven't managed to find a solution yet:




Long story short: The last cutscene for Alliance of Opposites is major glitching on me. The room that the cutscene takes place in is the one where all the senators congregate in before they move out to their respective spaces for the rest of the story. However, when I hit the intercom to start the cutscene it apparently doesn't clear out the models of the senators before starting.


This leads to...some very awkward and distracting moments during the cutscenes. Like seeing one peeking around behind the chair of another after just seeing him sitting down, doubles of several of them, and one of them sitting on top of the chair of another.


I'm capturing footage for playthrough vids for my friends and I can't honestly use this footage since its...well, yeah. I've tried relogging, restarting the game, turning off fraps, changing zones to try and fix this but the glitch persist.


On another note, an earlier cutscene also had an oddity where Nadia is supposed to be holding a blaster to a Sith but instead she was holding her lightsaber. I dunno if maybe its just me having these problems or its something to do with the files for the JC storyline.


Appreciate any help I can get because this playthrough is stalled until this is fixed.

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