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The Inaugural Krixarcs Kronies St. Paddy's Day Smackdown


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Hello lovers,


You are cordially invited to The Inaugural Krixarcs Kronies St. Paddy's Day Smackdown commencing tonight (March 17, 2016) at 7:00 PM mountain time on the Harbinger server. The Kronies will be flying on imperial faction. We look forward to smacking down some double premade wimps :D. This is a semi-formal green tie affair so bring your best.


Best Regards,

Your sister Dixarcs

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"Your Honor, I don't know these people."


There were some good matches last night ... or at least fun ones. It wasn't planned that we'd be a "double premade". Last night just so happened to be the first night where we had the critical mass to create Eclipse Wing.


I don't remember facing Drakolich. Who was he? And who is Xiaoyu on these forums?

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I spoke with Gaa'ra last night and he agreed to make the Kronies and Eclipse 'sister' guilds on Harbinger :D


Congratulations and nice flying! We could learn a lot from one another


I think Xiao is fractalsponge on these forums and Drakolich was flying under an alt according to krix. I cant remember the name currently sorry.

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