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I don't understand the credit cap on premium members.


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Yup - they should do that.

Then watch subscriptions fall by 50%

As I've said before, SWTOR is not free to play.

SWTOR is a paid subscription based game with a free option - NOT the other way around.


*cut and paste


What you people don't understand is that the game severely needs to attract more players right now to attract even more players or at the very least keep the existing players from leaving out of boredom due to low population.


Those recommendations will not sway most subscribers to go preferred. It surely wont at least for me.. There are other advantages out there for subscribers, not to mention the fact that I'm subscribed not merely for the advantages but because I support the game.


What the game needs is to make people love it so those people will support it.. These heavy restrictions will just frustrate them and force them to leave before discovering the game's full potential. While us existing players are left to wonder why the population is slowly going down the drain.


These heavy restrictions work if SWTOR is a top dog because people will want to play it regardless.. But let's face it, SWTOR is second rate at best and you need to play it for awhile to appreciate it and learn to love it, not to mention the fact that it's old and there are alot of new competitions out there. SWTOR can't afford to hand out these heavy restrictions to F2P players. They might be F2P but they keep the population in check.

Edited by Renzetsu
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Those recommendations will not sway most subscribers to go preferred.

If I could buy off the cred cap here, I would unsubscribe in a billionth of a nanosecond.


But let's face it, SWTOR is second rate at best and you need to play it for awhile to appreciate it and learn to love it,

"Let's face it" is code for "the following is my totally biased opinion." In any event, if someone can't "learn to love" the game from playing the entire 1-50 story for free, even if they can't turn off the display of an ugly helmet, they will never do so.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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If I could buy off the cred cap here, I would unsubscribe in a billionth of a nanosecond.


You'd forgo subbing for even new content?


Also do play any endgame content I'm curious because you would have to buy passes?

Edited by squirrelballz
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You'd forgo subbing for even new content?

I'd wait until the entirely of KotFE was released, then sub for a month to get it, then cancel. You don't have to remain a sub to keep access to the content.


I don't raid. Never have (other than a bit in DDO), never will.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I'd wait until the entirely of KotFE was released, then sub for a month to get it, then cancel. You don't have to remain a sub to keep access to the content.


Makes sense to me, personally I like subbing for each chapter though. What about endgame content do you play any of that?




Personally the credit cap is number 5 at the bottom of my list of why I sub. I sub for these reasons.


1. Warzones

2. OPS

3. Crafting

4. Quest Rewards

5. Credit Cap

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Makes sense to me, personally I like subbing for each chapter though. What about endgame content do you play any of that?




Personally the credit cap is number 5 at the bottom of my list of why I sub. I sub for these reasons.


1. Warzones

2. OPS

I do not do either of them. Never have, never will.


3. Crafting

Just a minor inconvenience, IMO.


4. Quest Rewards

An even-less-than-minor inconvenience.

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Translation: I want to keep playing the game without restrictions but I don't want to pay for it.


Incorrect. There are those that have been subs and due to some of the changes that they have made they stopped Subbing but a lot of them have purchased the unlocks so I don't they are saying they don't want to pay for the unlocks. A friend of mine stopped subbing when everything went solo but she is stayed to play because of her friends and got the unlocks which she paid for or we helped her with.


She doesn't pvp or do end games so honestly it doesn't make sense for her to have a sub when everything is solo now and that was not the reason she stared playing (back at launch) . She was doing missions with her boyfriend but now you don't have those except for the heroics and after you reach Rank 20 on the specialist there is not much a reason to do those anymore.

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I do not do either of them. Never have, never will.



Just a minor inconvenience, IMO.



An even-less-than-minor inconvenience.


But if you unsub then you wont be able to make constructive arguments and weight both of the options discussed, and not be so one sided and completely biased and never consider the other side of the argument at hand.

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Makes a reasonable statement, talks about credit cap being annoying but something which won't prevent him from unsubscribing.


Says, almost prophetically, that he chose not to sound demanding so as to avoid the vitriol some other threads have attracted.






'' rESTRICTIONS aRe there to make people sub dont sub you get cap.''


''Why should they give people a reason to unsubscribe''.




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Makes a reasonable statement, talks about credit cap being annoying but something which won't prevent him from unsubscribing.


Says, almost prophetically, that he chose not to sound demanding so as to avoid the vitriol some other threads have attracted.






'' rESTRICTIONS aRe there to make people sub dont sub you get cap.''


''Why should they give people a reason to unsubscribe''.






"Being a subscriber does not make you entitled! You're just another player who "supports" the game!"

F2P's are there to entice players who wants to try it out (and hopefully falls inlove with the game and subscribe which will not happen with the heavy restrictions)

"These are not enough reason for subscribe players to unsubscribe as their are simply more ALOT MORE AND I MEAN ALOT MOREEEEEE advantages in being a subscribe player"

Edited by Renzetsu
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Are we still polishing this piece of doo doo?


The credit cap is there for a reason or reason(s) which have all been more then well enough expressed. We may not all agree with the reasoning, but you know what... we don't own the game so we do not have a say in it. We either accept the terms of play or we don't play. MMOs are not a democracy, nor a charity.


All thread like this do is encourage forum members to bicker over nuance, nonsense, and opinions.

Edited by Andryah
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Makes a reasonable statement, talks about credit cap being annoying but something which won't prevent him from unsubscribing.


Says, almost prophetically, that he chose not to sound demanding so as to avoid the vitriol some other threads have attracted.






'' rESTRICTIONS aRe there to make people sub dont sub you get cap.''


''Why should they give people a reason to unsubscribe''.





Actually, it seemed like the replies were fairly polite up until the OP made a comment about people "foaming at the mouth". This would be called a "self fulfilling prophecy". (Also, those responses are valid responses, whether you agree with them is the point of debate)

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"Being a subscriber does not make you entitled! You're just another player who "supports" the game!"

F2P's are there to entice players who wants to try it out (and hopefully falls inlove with the game and subscribe which will not happen with the heavy restrictions)

"These are not enough reason for subscribe players to unsubscribe as their are simply more ALOT MORE AND I MEAN ALOT MOREEEEEE advantages in being a subscribe player"


Quoted for truth.

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But if you unsub then you wont be able to make constructive arguments and weight both of the options discussed, and not be so one sided and completely biased and never consider the other side of the argument at hand.

Your sarcasm notwithstanding, forum posting is not anywhere even close to a reason to subscribe in my opinion.

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Your sarcasm notwithstanding, forum posting is not anywhere even close to a reason to subscribe in my opinion.


It just so happens that for you, in light of this argument, preferred status having such a low credit cap is the only reason keeping you subscribed.


If it were possibly increased to, say, a mil, you would downright cancel it.



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It just so happens that for you, in light of this argument, preferred status having such a low credit cap is the only reason keeping you subscribed.


If it were possibly increased to, say, a mil, you would downright cancel it.



A mil? Is that the cap for subscribers, Mr. Gotcha?


I said I would unsubscribe if I could buy off the cred cap, not if I could simply roughly triple it.

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A mil? Is that the cap for subscribers, Mr. Gotcha?


I said I would unsubscribe if I could buy off the cred cap, not if I could simply roughly triple it.


Pretty sure it has been talked about in other threads regarding credit cap being increased instead of completely eliminated, and you, of course, went against it.


I, for one, am totally for preferred status having a credit cap, just not the current 350k.

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Things that F2P should get rid of:


  1. Credit Cap
  2. Additional Bars Unlock
  3. Crew Skill limit


All of these are just annoying and turn people away. Subscribers already get plenty of goodies for subscribing. I should know, I'm a subscriber and the restrictions are plain silly.


Absolutely not. F2P, and Preferred players need restrictions or subs would all just go F2P. the Credit cap would be the #1 thing that would reduce how many subs we have because many would go F2P if cap is lifted. 250k for F2P is fine, and 350k for preferred is fine. All these posts are is people wanted stuff for free. The current F2P/prefered model is to encourage you to pay a sub fee to get rid of these restrictions. Honestly The system we have is fine for what it is.

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Absolutely not. F2P, and Preferred players need restrictions or subs would all just go F2P. the Credit cap would be the #1 thing that would reduce how many subs we have because many would go F2P if cap is lifted. 250k for F2P is fine, and 350k for preferred is fine. All these posts are is people wanted stuff for free. The current F2P/prefered model is to encourage you to pay a sub fee to get rid of these restrictions. Honestly The system we have is fine for what it is.


New content should be the reason to sub, not cheap restrictions like reduced skill bars which hinder gameplay.

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Absolutely not. F2P, and Preferred players need restrictions or subs would all just go F2P. the Credit cap would be the #1 thing that would reduce how many subs we have because many would go F2P if cap is lifted. 250k for F2P is fine, and 350k for preferred is fine. All these posts are is people wanted stuff for free. The current F2P/prefered model is to encourage you to pay a sub fee to get rid of these restrictions. Honestly The system we have is fine for what it is.


Additional Bars Unlock

Crew Skill limit



Those two can be unlocked for an account so it gives a person no reason to sub. The additional bar unlock is 500 CC per additonal bar and if you are a preferred you only need 2 or 3 of those unlocks to get all 6. The crew skill limit is 2 for a preferred and again you can buy an unlock for the account and you have all three.



Maybe if the game would provide some better content then a person would stay subbed and I am not speaking of raids or pvp either. Stop making everything solo (again not counting raids or pvp)

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What you people don't understand is that the game severely needs to attract more players right now to attract even more players or at the very least keep the existing players from leaving out of boredom due to low population.


What the game needs is to make people love it so those people will support it.. These heavy restrictions will just frustrate them and force them to leave before discovering the game's full potential. While us existing players are left to wonder why the population is slowly going down the drain.


A million more people playing for free won't improve the game.


A million more people subbing would, but there isn't a reason for a lot of people to come sub, the game hasn't offered anything of substance new for a long time now, really since 2014. Yea, yea, KotFE and all, but the expansion isn't all that, it is finished in an evening, and then what? Nothing. 2-4 year old content.


If you want to see the game expand and grow, it isn't about F2P/Preferred/Subs, it is about content, and that is really what is needed.

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New content should be the reason to sub, not cheap restrictions like reduced skill bars which hinder gameplay.


Don't F2P/preferred get 2-3 bars as it is? that's all anyone needs to play this game effectively. as for skills, none of them are necessary (or really effect any game play at this point). If your saying sub for new content, well then PvP'ers would have left a long time ago. they haven't seen any new WZ's in close to 2 years is it? Tho they do get 2 finally next month. PvE'ers should have left since no end game content in 17 months, and GSF'ers should have left since we haven't seen anything in about 2 years as well. So NO. you sub for full access to the game. the Restrictions are 100% needed for F2P/Preferred. If you want full access, then you should have to show BW that your willing to Invest in the game, instead of being cheap, and not paying the reasonable $15/month.

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Did agreeing with Bran make you feel like you needed a shower I know it did me :) but yeah F2P for this game anyway is more like a trial game, pretty much everything that's restricted is bells and whistles type of things. You don't need any of those things to play, you want those things you want the bells and whistles then get a sub.


:) Meh, I try not to make it quite that personal. The world is wide enough for all of us.


As for F2P, I honestly think a better solution would be to remove all restrictions on F2P, but to cap it at lvl 50. Want to level to 65? Sub, period. No restrictions to F2P other than post rate limits in chat. If you sub, go over 50, and then unsub, you either get level synced to 50 (everywhere, including ops), or can't play that toon at all until you sub.


I do think that F2P accounts need a valid credit card attached, for verification purposes. Accounts banned for TOS violations will have all related accounts banned.


Now I know that some people will say, "but, but, what if I'm a kid or don't have a credit card?" Well then you aren't likely to EVER pay anything, are you? And thus we don't need you. The whole idea is to convert you to paying, and so having a card on file will allow that. It also allows easy in-game purchases of CC. :)




Side note, I do *NOT* think that Bioware should sell credits in general, but given how many credits are in the game, I wouldn't mind if new toons on new accounts got 100,000 credits for free to start, and the option to ONE TIME purchase 1,000,000 credits for $1. (this would be a one time per account offer, per credit card, not per toon)


This serves two purposes. First, it provides a good deal and a reason for people to attach a credit card to their account. It also gives new players a bit of a jump start towards playing a game that many of us have been playing for years and have billions, so they can buy some stuff.


Finally, I think that Bioware should sell sub tokens for real dollars (not CC), say $20 per token, and they should be tradable in game. Easiest way to turn money into credits without rampant inflation. That will do more to kill gold sellers than anything else, IMHO.

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Don't F2P/preferred get 2-3 bars as it is? that's all anyone needs to play this game effectively. as for skills, none of them are necessary (or really effect any game play at this point). If your saying sub for new content, well then PvP'ers would have left a long time ago. they haven't seen any new WZ's in close to 2 years is it? Tho they do get 2 finally next month. PvE'ers should have left since no end game content in 17 months, and GSF'ers should have left since we haven't seen anything in about 2 years as well. So NO. you sub for full access to the game. the Restrictions are 100% needed for F2P/Preferred. If you want full access, then you should have to show BW that your willing to Invest in the game, instead of being cheap, and not paying the reasonable $15/month.


I played f2p on 2 characters to level 50 with only 2 bars and I was hindered A LOT in terms of gameplay. I only had skills vital to my class, and even then I had to miss a good portion of some of the other skills, and no, I didn't have a mount, QT, pets, or ANYTHING like that, not even stims or relics, I had only skills pertaining to combat and was still hindered.


Call me cheap when I want content, but defend Bioware when there putting out nothing? Okay. For a game as highly ranked as they are and supposedly doing well with population numbers, they have nothing to show for it. The deal with reoccurring subs is for them to add onto the game or at least maintain it, and they aren't even doing that properly. I can go do a one quick purchase for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain which is infinitely better imo gameplay wise and almost story wise to this game and I get free updates for online. I can go back with zero restrictions playing it at anytime I want, bug free, and for the moment at least, some new updates. Meanwhile I have to have a reoccurring sub in this game just to maintain no restrictions with virtually nothing new added.

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