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Game Not Responding.


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I hadn't played in a while and only recently have come back because I bought a two month game time card. I had some weird but minor issues during conversations before I got my two month subscription that went away after I entered redeemed my code (characters would often start stuttering their lines until I hit the space bar to skip that line. I am only posting this here in case someone can either confirm or look into it).


I'd start the game and log into my character like usual and would be able to play for anywhere between 30 minutes to about two hours before basically crashes to desktop. I say basically because the mouse still acts like the game is running with the pointer like in game, but if I hit control-alt-delete and select Task Manager, it shows that the game is "Not Responding". If I mouse over to the Task Bar at the bottom the pointer changes to the standard desktop mouse pointer and I can interact with my Task Bar Icons, but I can't interact with anything above the Task Bar, which is Frustrating because it means I can't interact with the Task Manager and force the game to stop running.


Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

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Just a quick update, I had tried playing in Windowed mode and I had the same issue, but this time since I was already in Windowed mode, I was able to see an alert pop up saying that my graphics card or driver had some sort of issue (and I had to clear out each alert that had popped up previously when this had happened). So this last time I played (which was for about an hour), I set my graphics settings to medium.
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