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Are ops/raids outdated?


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Sorry I once enjoyed most of the ops, but right now it just feels quite boring to gather 8 ppl to do these old ones. Especially when you need to wait for certain classes(tank mostly) and stop when some others took a break/left it. Modern gamers prefer quicker content that doesn't require much time to gather a group. Sure Bioware didn't release new ops, but I think current ops style also require some work. Like removing the tank-dps-heal trio from all the ops or make all classes be able to do all three roles and reduce the size of ops group. Edited by Slowpokeking
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I pretty much quit playing MMO operations/raid content well before SWTOR.


Too much drama, too repetitive and boring for me. It was fun for a few years in WoW, but by the time I got to Rift.. I had taken a pass on Operations/raids. Maybe it was the WoW approach that burned me out, or maybe I just finally realized what a silly carrot dangling MMO methodology they were.


And I know I am not the only MMO veteran that has moved on from Ops/Raids either.

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Tactical operations? No way. That would be the straw that broke the camels back when it came to staying subscribed to this game. I would drop this like a bad habit and move on.


Truth be told operations are a niche part of this game. That means that you have to find the niche of players. That generally only is accomplished by joining a raiding guild. I would bet if you joined a guild that's primary focus is running operations your experience would change to a positive. But, it's on you and not bioware to find the correct space.

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I pretty much quit playing MMO operations/raid content well before SWTOR.


Too much drama, too repetitive and boring for me. It was fun for a few years in WoW, but by the time I got to Rift.. I had taken a pass on Operations/raids. Maybe it was the WoW approach that burned me out, or maybe I just finally realized what a silly carrot dangling MMO methodology they were.


And I know I am not the only MMO veteran that has moved on from Ops/Raids either.


The main problem is that you have to spend a lot of effort to gather people, find enough ppl for the trio combo and endure break/dc/drama, rather than focus on the game content.

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The main problem is that you have to spend a lot of effort to gather people, find enough ppl for the trio combo and endure break/dc/drama, rather than focus on the game content.


^^ Yep. Which is where most of the drama took place.


That and the ongoing problems of people that were main tanks or healers using a guilds raid format to progress their gear and then dropping the guild for the next higher progression one on the server. That was when I realized how really selfish many MMO players are... and I simply decided that I would not participate in this nonsense.

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^^ Yep. Which is where most of the drama took place.


That and the ongoing problems of people that were main tanks or healers using a guilds raid format to progress their gear and then dropping the guild for the next higher progression one on the server. That was when I realized how really selfish many MMO players are... and I simply decided that I would not participate in this nonsense.


same here

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Nope, the only thing outdated is the content itself considering Bioware's only released it's IMO worst set of ops (Rav/TOS) in about the past 2 and a half years. :eek:


LOL I kno...I work my *** off catering 5 days a week...I really hope this lazy dev team doesn't make more moneez than me and if they do I would love to have a job working with them...And by working I mean not fixing bugs, releasing new content or balancing PVP...Just chilling on EA's dollar.(and ours)

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Nope, the only thing outdated is the content itself considering Bioware's only released it's IMO worst set of ops (Rav/TOS) in about the past 2 and a half years. :eek:

But even new content won't change the problem: You have to spend a lot of time/energy on people rather than the game itself.

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But even new content won't change the problem: You have to spend a lot of time/energy on people rather than the game itself.


That wasn't really much of a problem when BWA was releasing content at a reasonable rate. It didn't take that much effort finding a group. Nowadays with the population dwindling due to BW, yeah I can see your point. Wouldn't have been an issue if BW didn't abandon it, regardless of the reason they did.

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I pretty much quit playing MMO operations/raid content well before SWTOR.


Too much drama, too repetitive and boring for me. It was fun for a few years in WoW, but by the time I got to Rift.. I had taken a pass on Operations/raids. Maybe it was the WoW approach that burned me out, or maybe I just finally realized what a silly carrot dangling MMO methodology they were.


And I know I am not the only MMO veteran that has moved on from Ops/Raids either.


Pretty much it.


^^ Yep. Which is where most of the drama took place.


That and the ongoing problems of people that were main tanks or healers using a guilds raid format to progress their gear and then dropping the guild for the next higher progression one on the server. That was when I realized how really selfish many MMO players are... and I simply decided that I would not participate in this nonsense.


And this.


The only game that I enjoy raiding in is Skyforge. Your not spoon feed boss mech like in SWTOR. There is no lock outs for boss. All drops are personal. When you join a guild you can't do raids for a week. All the fun with very little drama.

Edited by Warrgames
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I am not understanding the complaint about group content requiring a social emphasis. To answer the question though. No it's not outdated, but the paradigm has changed. It used to be a mainstream thing and now it is more niche.
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That wasn't really much of a problem when BWA was releasing content at a reasonable rate. It didn't take that much effort finding a group. Nowadays with the population dwindling due to BW, yeah I can see your point. Wouldn't have been an issue if BW didn't abandon it, regardless of the reason they did.


It was not that bad, but overall, gamers are getting away with such strict group contents, which is why MMORPG is dwindling.

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I am not understanding the complaint about group content requiring a social emphasis. To answer the question though. No it's not outdated, but the paradigm has changed. It used to be a mainstream thing and now it is more niche.


Because modern gamers don't want to spend so much effort on people and find a group, even have raid schedule for a game, this is why games like LoL is punching the MMOs, even WOW is losing their players badly.

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Sorry I once enjoyed most of the ops, but right now it just feels quite boring to gather 8 ppl to do these old ones. Especially when you need to wait for certain classes(tank mostly) and stop when some others took a break/left it. Modern gamers prefer quicker content that doesn't require much time to gather a group. Sure Bioware didn't release new ops, but I think current ops style also require some work. Like removing the tank-dps-heal trio from all the ops or make all classes be able to do all three roles and reduce the size of ops group.


Seriously I just love how people talk out their butt about what "modern gamers prefer" when in actuality, they are talking about themselves.


OPs isnt for everyone, thats cool, but neither is playing a story over and over and over and over. But it seems story centric people just have this obsession with trying to destroy operations. Just let it go man, you got your wish, they are focusing on story atm, dont be selfish and try to destroy what others like.

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I pretty much quit playing MMO operations/raid content well before SWTOR.


Too much drama, too repetitive and boring for me. It was fun for a few years in WoW, but by the time I got to Rift.. I had taken a pass on Operations/raids. Maybe it was the WoW approach that burned me out, or maybe I just finally realized what a silly carrot dangling MMO methodology they were.


And I know I am not the only MMO veteran that has moved on from Ops/Raids either.


Yeah but at least your dont try to make it a personal mission, or take some sick satisfaction out of the fact that people that DO LIKE operations arent getting any focus. It seems some people that arent into OPs have this obsession of destroying it for everyone else.

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Seriously I just love how people talk out their butt about what "modern gamers prefer" when in actuality, they are talking about themselves.


OPs isnt for everyone, thats cool, but neither is playing a story over and over and over and over. But it seems story centric people just have this obsession with trying to destroy operations. Just let it go man, you got your wish, they are focusing on story atm, dont be selfish and try to destroy what others like.


I didn't say the story content doesn't have problem. It's just that modern gamers prefer to have content with more freedom and could spend little effort on dealing with people/gathering a group. This, is why MMORPG is declining overall.

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I didn't say the story content doesn't have problem. It's just that modern gamers prefer to have content with more freedom and could spend little effort on dealing with people/gathering a group. This, is why MMORPG is declining overall.


Your position reminds me of the straw man fallacy.

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Sorry I once enjoyed most of the ops, but right now it just feels quite boring to gather 8 ppl to do these old ones. Especially when you need to wait for certain classes(tank mostly) and stop when some others took a break/left it. Modern gamers prefer quicker content that doesn't require much time to gather a group. Sure Bioware didn't release new ops, but I think current ops style also require some work. Like removing the tank-dps-heal trio from all the ops or make all classes be able to do all three roles and reduce the size of ops group.


You're the reason we have these old boring ops and haven't gotten new ones, you're the tactical generation of swtor players and the bane of those who put time and effort in to be good at there class/role.

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Sorry I once enjoyed most of the ops, but right now it just feels quite boring to gather 8 ppl to do these old ones. Especially when you need to wait for certain classes(tank mostly) and stop when some others took a break/left it. Modern gamers prefer quicker content that doesn't require much time to gather a group. Sure Bioware didn't release new ops, but I think current ops style also require some work. Like removing the tank-dps-heal trio from all the ops or make all classes be able to do all three roles and reduce the size of ops group.



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You're the reason we have these old boring ops and haven't gotten new ones, you're the tactical generation of swtor players and the bane of those who put time and effort in to be good at there class/role.


But most of the players don't even like raid anymore. It doesn't matter how good I do with my DPS, if we miss a healer of tank we are gonna wait for a while and if they suck we wipe. If they dc/ragequit/take a long break we will have to stop to wait or grab a new one, which is painful, painful to endure today.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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But most of the players don't even like raid anymore. It doesn't matter how good I do with my DPS, if we miss a healer of tank we are gonna wait for a while and if they suck we wipe. If they dc/ragequit/take a long break we will have to stop to wait or grab a new one, which is painful, painful to endure today.


With content being old most raiders have left. The trinity system is not the culprit. Wait times to fill spots is not a meaningful piece of evidence to suggest a switch. Removing the trinity system is not a solution that would bring you what you want. It's possible wait times still remain due to insufficient player skill.


When content was new finding groups was cake.

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