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Strange Issue with Game Launch


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Hi Guys,


I'm sorry if this has been brought up before, but if so I couldn't find a thread that looked quite like mine.


First, some background - I haven't played the game in about 3 months or so. I was in the middle of the KOTFE storyline and events in life (a separation) forced me not to play for awhile.


Last night I finally decided to log back in. The game patched before I launched. I'm not sure *how* many patches have been applied since the last time I logged in.


After the game launched, the KOTFE image pops up on the screen briefly...then vanishes, to be replaced by a spinning "loading" icon.


It will stay that way forever. I can't Alt-Tab out, hit escape, nothing.


The only thing I can do is press Alt-Ctrl-Delete, and click on "Task Manager."


As soon as I do, the KOTFE image pops back up, the character select screen appears, and I can now get into the game.


Has anybody else experienced this? If so, do you know of a way around it? I really don't want to have to bring up the task manager every time just to force the game to load.

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