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Why premade is a problem?


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Fully agree. All the cocky premade players I've encountered act like they're super l33t, getting all their buddies to target you before running away to hide behind their team when you survive long enough to get their health below 75%. It completely ruins the point of queueing solo and it's borderline harassment when premades are targeting you relentlessly because you call them out of their BS cowardice.


When you can barely get out of the starting zone because you're at such a massive, unfair and frankly unplayable disadvantage what reason is there to keep playing? You can't win, and until the *****s on the other team sod off back to school for the day there's no point even trying to play.


It's not fun, it's not enjoyable and anyone who defends such pure BS has no idea what PvP is supposed to be about. Premade VS solo is gradually whittling away potential PvPers who are- quite rightly- sick of wasting time playing against a team they simply cannot beat, and worst of all there're guilds that seem dedicated to loitering in the lower brackets, using premades to stomp down all the people playing while they level.


If BW gave a **** they'd have group and solo queues separated completely. Then we'd see how good these 'PvP guilds' actually are.

And that means there's a premade? that happens just the same on pugs. nothing to do with premades

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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The best solution in this thread which seemed fair to all is if there are groups when they queue up they get put in vs other groups. The rest of the slots filled in as needed with solo's. If no other groups are available then they go in vs whoever. That way no one has their queue time extended. Solo's aren't faced with premades every single match and premades hopefully get a better challenge by facing other premade groups. Not 100% solution for everyone all the time but at least a stop gap measure until(or if) BW implements some sort of real matchmaking.
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And that means there's a premade? that happens just the same on pugs. nothing to do with premades


The difference is that the random nature of such events:


(1) as in, without premades, the rules of random team formation dictates and fully guarantees some games are shi*, other games are too easy, and everything in between well matched and enjoyable whether you win or lose.


(2) whereas, by definition a premade is a direct middle-finger stuck up the rear end of the random teaming rule, since it defies that rule and glues together people who would have been randomly distributed otherwise, and therefore most likely guarantees a solid advantage to the group of players that are part of the premade, or teamed in with the premade.


(3) theoretically, when both factions have same number of PvP players that seek PvP matches most of the time, then (2) is a problem that can controlled and contained, because the randomness dictates that as much as there is a chance for a premade to land on the other team, there is also a chance for a premade to land on our team. So things can still be tolerable.


(4) in reality, enter pop imbalance -- usually, across almost all servers, Rep PvP population is incomparably lower than Imp PvP population, and therefore, (2) goes out of control. There is almost always superior number of Imp premades operating at the same time, seeking for a queue, than there is a Rep premade. Therefore, in most WZs where it's split-faction, the likelihood of an Imp team being EMBEDDED with a premade for many matches straight, is absolutely higher than a Rep team's chance of having support from Rep premades.


(5) conclusion: one-sided shi*hole = bye bye casual players = PvP population drops = even worse quality of PvP

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