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Want to sell guild


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As the title states. I and a few of my officers came to this server to help and play with an old friend. It was fun but now that friend has decided to stop playing Swtor and we are having a hard time matching east coast time zones to catch the higher population for game fulfilment. We have decided to head back to Harbinger which in return would leave a guild that has a small population (180 members, 104 qualifying accounts) not going to Harbinger. None of the current members want to take up the challenge of running a guild but want to be in one.


Guild has a Basic Flag Ship with cargo, legacy, guild bank with 3 tabs., and decos. Keep in mind the guild name can be changed. Faction is Imperial


Asking Credit price is 25 mil.

Guild Sold

Edited by DirtyDiapers
update status "Sold"
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