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Naked Cat Guy - Disavowed Glitch


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Literally just went through a scene of the camera panning down to him in his underpants cocking and loading a gun that was not there.


I feel like this is the type of thing you catch after just playing the game once.


The people who made this game didn't play it even once.

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I just figured after 5 years of hiding out in the swamps he became something similar to the Unibomber. Or Theron was trying to get me to join some nudist cult and passed it off as an Op.


With Theron rocking the Justin Bieber\ Back Street Boys hair and facial piercings you know hes got some freak going on.

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The funny thing is that Bioware keeps running into bugs that involve people not wearing clothes.


First the bug where every companion was missing their pants, and now this.


Yeah it seems as if someone on the development team has a fetish for no clothes, first no pants, now they took it even further.

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I had to reset the game to get his clothes and gun back. I'm more upset that i have lost my Smuggler heroic 'reward', I've only been playing a few months and was in the process of getting all classes to level 65 to get all 8 heroics, I was at 6/8 but after the new patch I'm at 5/8, my Smuggler having disappeared. NOT FUNNY :mad:
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